Getting to the bottom of root canal therapyMarch 8, 2019Anyone who has tried to extract a firmly rooted mandibular canine tooth in a dog or cat has likely muttered the phrase, "There's got to be a better way," (amongst other muttered phrases!) while performing the frustrating procedure. In some cases, there is indeed a better way. Although root canal therapy is not an option for every diseased tooth, it is an elegant way to treat dead teeth and teeth with pulp exposure. Terminology, development, …
SPONSORED CONTENTStraight Talk with Clients is a Critical Piece of the Adverse Food Reaction "Puzzle"Managing dogs with adverse food reactions can be a puzzle for veterinarians and a wait-and-see game for clients. +
How to save a canine toothAugust 2, 2016I recently had the rare opportunity to replace an avulsed tooth. A 4-year-old Irish setter got into a scuffle with another dog. The owner noted bleeding from the mouth and an intact canine tooth on the floor.