Four time-savers for curbside careApril 19, 2021Curbside care has added extra steps that stretched 20- to 30-minute appointments into 45 to 60 minutes. Many teams feel like they’re running around all day sweating behind masks. How can your team be more efficient?
SPONSORED CONTENTProtect your patients from the start.Simparica Trio (sarolaner, moxidectin, and pyrantel chewable tablets) is the first monthly preventative of its kind. Combining three ingredients for month-long protection. + Learn more
Are you ready for a potential spike in intestinal parasites?March 16, 2021Working and schooling from home gave families more time together and got more dogs and cats their forever homes.
Have clients gone COVID crazy?March 1, 2021Many people are fed up with stay-at-home orders, indoor dining disappearing, and freedoms lost during the pandemic. Clients may feel like grounded teenagers and act out with bad behavior.
Words that turn confusion into complianceJanuary 18, 2021Subtle changes in your veterinary vocabulary can be the difference between client compliance and lost revenue.
Phone frenzy? Seven ways to cut call volumeNovember 25, 2020Front-desk teams are struggling to answer the onslaught of calls to schedule the three-month backlog of checkups and elective procedures, refill medications, and curbside arrivals.
Eight tips to increase laboratory revenueNovember 11, 2020Because more pet owners are working from home, they are noticing subtle symptoms and seeking treatment earlier. Attentive pet owners can drive the growth of your diagnostic revenue.
Overbooked? How to fix your scheduleOctober 2, 2020A two-doctor practice typically sees 300 patients per month for preventive checkups. With a backlog of three months, you face up to 900 overdue patients.
Lessons from COVID-19: Be resilient and efficientAugust 31, 2020Client relationships and practice profits will grow as you embrace new ways to work
Do this to get immediate revenueAugust 11, 2020Practice owners and managers urgently want to reclaim lost revenue from checkups and elective procedures that were postponed and get furloughed employees back to work.
Ready to reopen? How you see appointments will changeJune 25, 2020Creating structured guidelines for reopening based on local jurisdiction and safety protocols lets clients and employees feel confident you’re minimizing risks.