Fecal microbiome testing: Is the research reliable to ensure a healthy pet?May 7, 2020While enthusiasm for new discoveries and hypotheses is a necessary part of scientific progress, the premature application of these to clinical patients can be harmful.
SPONSORED CONTENTHelp save more lives with this parvovirus innovationOur Canine Parvovirus Monoclonal Antibody offered a 93% real-world survival rate for puppies afflicted with parvovirus.1 Discover the future of parvo treatment today! + Read More
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveFrom the trenches: How life has changed since COVID-19 came into our livesApril 23, 2020By Brennen McKenzie, MA, MSc, VMD, cVMAThe hospital is quiet as I walk in at the start of my shift. The usual bustle of clients, staff, and animals has been replaced by empty hallways and only a few masked doctors and nurses going about their work quietly, careful to keep their distance from each other. I stop at the screening table and start my day by taking my temperature. It is under 100.4 F, and I have no cough or …
Early or delayed neutering? What to tell clientsMarch 27, 2020A frequently asked question small animal general practitioners often discuss with their clients is if and when pets should be neutered. Despite a very large body of relevant research evidence, there is still no definitive, universally accepted answer.
Letter to the Editor: Anti-vaxxers' vexing argumentsFebruary 26, 2020A regular columnist for Veterinary Practice News weighs in on anti-vaccination arguments.
Are ACE inhibitors effective in treating heart disease?February 26, 2020The use of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors in dogs and cats with cardiac disease is a long-standing treatment that has been reevaluated periodically as new evidence is developed.
Is keto kind to pets?January 28, 2020One of the many extreme diets for humans that also is sometimes promoted as having health benefits for veterinary patient is the ketogenic diet.
Do pulsed electromagnetic field devices offer any benefit?January 2, 2020Because PEMF devices are aggressively marketed to veterinarians and animal owners, some assessment of the evidence behind them is necessary.
Veterinary homeopathy: Why are we still talking about this?November 22, 2019Controversial from its beginnings, homeopathy has long been employed by only a few health-care professionals, and surveys show only a tiny minority of citizens in most developed countries have used homeopathic treatment.
Healing with acupunctureOctober 8, 2019Acupuncture is one of the most well-known alternative therapies. While only five to 10 percent of Americans have had acupuncture, most people are familiar with the practice; surveys show many, including medical professionals, have a positive view of the treatment and its benefits.
A conclusion on cannabis?July 30, 2019Cannabis is a “hot topic” right now, and the combination of loosening legal restrictions and great enthusiasm among its proponents and pet owners is driving research. As such, the evidence landscape is changing rapidly.