Health data of short-muzzled breeds helps inform personalized careFebruary 21, 2023While it is no secret brachycephalic dogs experience increased health risks as compared to their longer-nosed counterparts, new research from Nationwide confirms anecdotal veterinary evidence is certainly rooted in fact.
SPONSORED CONTENTCurrent users report reduced stress for parvovirus care1Research shows that our Canine Parvovirus Monoclonal Antibody can help veterinary care teams work with less stress.1 Learn what CPMA can do for your parvo protocol. + Read More
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveLasering in on a better approach for BOAS patientsNovember 13, 2020A practical guide of surgical tips to using lasers for BOAS patients, as well as an overview of related issues for brachycephalic dog breeds.
The art of anesthesia in brachycephalic dogsJune 10, 2016Anesthetic management of brachycephalic dogs presents challenges before, during and after any surgical, dental or radiographic procedure, and even under sedation.