Nearly 150 exotic animals surrendered by Michigan animal dealerAugust 29, 2023Nearly 150 exotic animals, including ring-tailed lemurs, kinkajous, wallabies, porcupines, foxes, prairie dogs and ground squirrels, were surrendered by a Michigan animal dealer after alleged violation of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) and Endangered Species Act (ESA).
SPONSORED CONTENTLonghorned ticks: What to know about their unique characteristics and potential risksQ&A with Kathryn E. Reif, MSPH, PhD +
Over 130 Maui shelter pets relocated to Portland to find new homesAugust 22, 2023Greater Good Charities, Southwest Airlines, and Lucky Dog Animal Rescue partner to airlift shelter pets out of Maui to make room for animals in need amidst wildfires.
Florida vet imposter arrested after causing dog's deathAugust 14, 2023A Florida dog groomer who posed as a veterinarian has been arrested after a Chihuahua he performed a caesarean section on died post-surgery.
$10,000 donation supports safe stays for pets amid domestic violenceAugust 8, 2023The Bundle x Joy and BestyBnB partnership aims to provide temporary housing, recruit caregivers for pets caught in a domestic crisis while owners seek help
Multiple dogs die of heat stroke in 'freak event'August 1, 2023The Lake Station Police Department in Indiana reports the incident as a “mechanical failure” and not an act of animal cruelty or neglect.
80,000 newborn pups, kittens receive food aidJuly 31, 2023Since Jan. 1, Pet-Ag, Inc., has donated meals worth nearly $500,000 through the Greater Good Charities GOODS Program
$510,000 grant helps address shortage of shelter veterinariansJanuary 27, 2023Shelter pets are soon to have access to timely and essential veterinary care with the funding of a shelter medicine internship program.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveCareer and entrepreneurial opportunities for veterinary nursesMarch 12, 2021Sometimes we need to watch others reach for their full potential and break out of the box in order to realize this same opportunity exists for us. It exists for all veterinary nurses, too. The box veterinary medicine has created is an invisible and false narrative, and our opportunities are only truly limited by our imagination. I’ve included a few examples of ways to enrich veterinary nurse careers, subsequently boosting the quality of veterinary medicine.
VCA releases social impact reportMay 2, 2019Veterinary Centers of America (VCA) has released its first social impact report highlighting its fundraising achievements and commitment to veterinarians. This is part of the company's new series of annual reports, which will bring transparency to its animal welfare efforts. "We always strive to change lives for the better, and in the process, our own hearts are forever transformed, inspiring us to work ever harder for the pets who deserve nothing less than the …
World Veterinary Association awards open to AVMA membersOctober 29, 2018American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and Student American Veterinary Medical Association (SAVMA) members—who have worked to protect the welfare of animals—can now be nominated for the World Veterinary Association (WVA)'s 2019 World Veterinary Association Animal Welfare awards.