Canine officer treated for rare cancer at Texas A&MJanuary 13, 2020A surgical oncologist at Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (CVM) is credited with saving the life of a canine officer after diagnosing the pooch with an uncommon type of tumor.
SPONSORED CONTENTStart Treating Canine MMVD Patients at Stage B2Learn about early treatment with pimobendan for canine Stage B2 preclinical MMVD patients. + Learn More
Osteosarcoma: Beyond amputation and euthanasiaMarch 12, 2019When a patient is diagnosed with osteosarcoma, we tend to focus on three options: • the "gold standard," i.e. amputation with or without chemotherapy; • what many call palliative care, meaning pain medication and rest; or • euthanasia. But what if amputation is not an option? What if chemotherapy or radiation is out of the owner's financial capabilities? Or a couple of medications are not enough to numb the pain? What if …
Getting a leg upJanuary 3, 2018While prosthetics have been used in veterinary medicine for more than a decade, the application of these devices in this sector is still relatively new compared to human medicine.