Assuring the delivery of “rapid results” and increasing the speed of diagnosis are among the offerings of a newly launched X-ray interpretation solution. Veterinary diagnostics company SignalPET has launched their rapid radiology service, SignalSTAT, which blends AU technology and human expertise to improve speed of care and patient outcomes. The X-ray interpretation solution is targeted at assessing critical and urgent cases, with its 45-minute turnaround time. SignalPET’s technology was created through machine-learning algorithms that get progressively “smarter” as the tool is used by veterinarians. “We’re committed to ensuring every patient receives a thorough interpretation report,” says Neil Shaw, DVM, DACVIM, chief veterinary officer and medical founder of SignalPET. “As traditional radiology interpretations experience increased prices or stretched turnaround times to manage demand, SignalSTAT steps in; offering an affordable, guaranteed solution, promptly bridging the gap in care to all patients.” “This technology really shows the extent to which AI can work with humans, rather than against them, to create better, more efficient outcomes in our fields of work,” adds veterinary diagnostic imaging specialist Avi Avner, BSc, BVSc, CVR, DVDI, MRCVS. “To see how truly powerful this technology can be at working with veterinary teams as a support to offer faster, more accurate, and more affordable care is astounding.”