Royal Canin launches functional treat line

Veterinary-exclusive treats target a variety of health issues

Pet food manufacturer Royal Canin today introduced a line of 10 veterinary-exclusive treats for cats and dogs consuming therapeutic diets.

Six products—three feline and three canine—address urinary, gastrointestinal or skin health. A low-calorie option, called Satiety Treats, supports proper weight, while Original Treats are formulated for healthy pets of any age.

The St. Charles, Mo., company makes a wide range of breed- and condition-specific food for cats and dogs. The treats are designed to complement the recipes.

For example, Royal Canin Urinary Treats are appropriate for dogs and cats on Urinary SO or Urinary SO Moderate Calorie diets, the company stated. Royal Canin Gastrointestinal Treats may be given to pets fed Gastrointestinal Fiber Response or Gastrointestinal High Energy.

Proper pairing of a food and treat is important, said Catherine Lenox, DVM, Dipl. ACVN, CVA, a scientific affairs manager with Royal Canin.

"When a cat or dog is on a therapeutic diet, many pet owners continue to feed their pets treats and don't realize that those treats may interfere with the therapeutic diet that was carefully selected by their veterinarian," Dr. Lenox said.

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