Ever wondered what a British veterinarian from the 1800s thought about animal health and science? If you're a U.K. veterinarian, soon you can find out, by checking out the RCVS Vet History website. The project is run by the RCVS Knowledge Archives Project, which is a charity associated with the Royal College Veterinary Surgeons. According to their Facebook page: RCVS Knowledge archives and historical collections offer a fascinating insight into the development of the veterinary profession, its triumphs and achievements as well as documenting the lives of prominent members of the RCVS. It has been the vision of RCVS Knowledge that over time the archives will be digitised and made freely available to as wide a range of users as possible on a fully searchable website. Thanks to funding from The Alborada Trust RCVS Knowledge has now embarked on a major digitisation project to achieve this." “The launch of the archives catalogue covers a critical and fascinating time in the nation’s history [...] for the advances in veterinary science,” RCVS Knowledge executive director Chris Gush said told Vet Times. “Through this unparalleled collection, RCVS Knowledge can be an invaluable source of information for academic research and the general public.” While the main website is still being worked on, much of the content as been archived on www.VHcatalogue.org. Once the project is launched, you can view it at the RCVS Vet History website.