AAHA Controlled Substance Logs AAHA Controlled Substance Logs From AAHA Press Updated and improved to ensure best practices, the AAHA Controlled Substance Logs help veterinary professionals meet the DEA’s stringent recordkeeping requirements in all 50 states and Canada. Reviewed and edited by DEA experts, these logs: Help you achieve compliance with DEA regulations Safeguard against human errors Provide a source of internal accountability Accommodate the separation of records for Schedule II drugs and Schedule III, IV, and V drugs Allow you to track and complete all your logging for one drug in one placeThe AAHA Controlled Substance Logs set includes six copies of the Unopened and Opened Container Logs along with two Initial and Biennial Inventory Forms. The Unopened and Opened Container Logs feature an authorized personnel log, unopened container logs, opened container logs, inventory reconciliation logs, and—new to this third edition—both a registrant “near miss” incident notification log to note any anomalies in the management of your controlled substances, and an expired controlled substance log. Additionally, standalone Initial and Biennial Inventory Forms are included to allow you to maintain and store inventory counts and results separately from other drug logs, as required by law. This reliable log system will fit seamlessly into your practice operations! Additional InformationShop for Unopened and Opened Container LogsShop for Unopened Container LogsShop for Opened Container Logs Watch an introduction to logging expired drugsWatch an introduction to Updated and improved to ensure best practices, the AAHA Controlled Substance Logs help veterinary professionals meet the DEA’s stringent recordkeeping requirements in all 50 states and Canada. Reviewed and edited by DEA experts, these logs: Help you achieve compliance with DEA regulations Safeguard against human errors Provide a source of internal accountability Accommodate the separation of records for Schedule II drugs and Schedule III, IV, and V drugs Allow you to track and complete all your logging for one drug in one placeThe AAHA Controlled Substance Logs set includes six copies of the Unopened and Opened Container Logs along with two Initial and Biennial Inventory Forms. The Unopened and Opened Container Logs feature an authorized personnel log, unopened container logs, opened container logs, inventory reconciliation logs, and—new to this third edition—both a registrant “near miss” incident notification log to note any anomalies in the management of your controlled substances, and an expired controlled substance log. Additionally, standalone Initial and Biennial Inventory Forms are included to allow you to maintain and store inventory counts and results separately from other drug logs, as required by law. This reliable log system will fit seamlessly into your practice operations! Not Available All information listed in this section was submitted by the respective companies. Kenilworth Media Inc. cannot assume responsibility for errors of relevance, fact or omission.