The bipartisan People and Animals Well-being (PAW) Act, reintroduced by Congresswomen Deborah Ross and Claudia Tenney, aims to expand pet insurance access by making veterinary expenses eligible under Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs). The bill allows pet owners to use up to $1,000 from these accounts for veterinary care or pet insurance while ensuring unlimited funds for service animals. “Pets are more than just animals–in many households, they’re family members,” says Cong. Ross in a statement. “While household costs continue to rise, paying for pet insurance can become a financial burden that people can’t afford. As a dog owner, I’m proud to introduce our bipartisan PAW Act, which will ensure animal lovers can afford care for their pets by including veterinary care and pet insurance as eligible expenses under HSAs and FSAs. I’m grateful for Congresswoman Tenney’s continued partnership to make sure all families can afford insurance for their furry friends.” Additionally, the legislation updates the Internal Revenue System (IRS) definition of “service animal” to include those trained for both physical and mental disabilities. By maintaining existing HSA and FSA contribution limits, the PAW Act aims to minimize its impact on federal expenditures while improving pet care affordability. “Pets and service animals are valued members of our families and lives, with many benefits including increasing our lifespan, reducing stress, and promoting physical activity. It is important we ensure pet owners can afford quality care. The PAWS Act allows pet owners to use HSAs and FSAs for veterinary care, ensuring all pet owners can keep their beloved pets and service animals healthy,” says Cong.Tenney. For more information, visit Cong. Ross’ official website.