Patterson pledges support of Veterinary Nurse Initiative

NAVTA movement seeks to unite techs under single title of Registered Veterinary Nurse

Patterson Veterinary has announced its support of the Veterinary Nurse Initiative, an effort proposed by the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA) to unite those working in the veterinary technician profession under a single title, with single credentialing requirements and a single scope of practice.

The initiative will pursue legislative amendments in all 50 states to establish the credential of registered veterinary nurse (RVN), substituting registered veterinary technician (RVT), licensed veterinary technician (LVT), certified veterinary technician or licensed veterinary medical technician. NAVTA asserts standardization of the credential will align public perceptions of the role technicians play in veterinary clinics, effectively elevating practice standards and leading to better patient care.

Heather Prendergast, RVT, CVPM, SPHR, Patterson Veterinary's education development specialist, agrees with NAVTA's stance. An active supporter of the initiative, Prendergast is a member of the Veterinary Nurse Initiative workgroup and acting co-chair of the National Credential Task Force. She argues the term "veterinary nurse" will better reflect RVTs and LVTs position as caregivers for patients as well as scientific technicians.

"There has long been a need for common credentialing in this area," said Prendergast. "The responsibilities and job tasks of a veterinary technician have evolved over time and are inaccurately described by the term 'technician,' implying a definition of our identity based on technical tasks."

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