Human-animal bond the focus of National Pet Week

This year’s objective is to improve pets’ quality and length of life

In honor of National Pet Week, the Texas Veterinary Medical Association (TVMA) is reminding veterinarians to advise their clients to cherish the human-animal bond and to embrace responsible pet ownership.

National Pet Week runs from May 6 to May 12 and this year's theme is a "Lifetime of Love—The basics: Seven days to a happier, healthier pet." Each day is dedicated to a specific pet-related topic:

  • May 6 emphasizes the importance of selecting pets that mesh well with people's lifestyles and making a firm commitment to caring for pets
  • May 7 encourages pet owners to socialize their companion animals early and prep them for various interactions with places, activities, animals, and people
  • May 8 urges pet owners and their pets to engage in regular exercise
  • May 9 recommends regular visits to the veterinarian
  • May 10 celebrates the human-animal bond
  • May 11 provides tips for developing emergency kits for unexpected incidents, such as natural disasters
  • May 12 summarizes the week's advice

TVMA says its goal for this week is to remind pet owners to give pets' a lifetime of love and improve their quality and length of life by taking them in for regular veterinary exams and by providing regular wellness care.

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