N.J. vet hospital now using ultrafiltration

BluePearl Veterinary Partners hospital in Paramus, N.J., is one of the first veterinary hospitals to use this technology

A veterinary team at the BluePearl Veterinary Partners hospital in Paramus, N.J., has taken a page right out of human medicine by using ultrafiltration to heal furry patients literally drowning in their own fluids.

Ultrafiltration requires a specialized machine and is used to assist patients afflicted with fluid overload, cardiogenic pulmonary edema or diuretic-resistant heart failure.

Ultrafiltration uses a special piece of equipment to push water along with some electrolytes from the blood through a filter, relieving congestion as well as clinical signs associated with fluid overload and congestive heart failure.

"We believe we're one of the first veterinary hospitals in the United States to use this effective new technique," said Benjamin Davidson, BVSc, Dipl. ACVECC, one of the BluePearl Paramus medical directors who adapted the procedure for animals.

Others who were key in developing the procedure for four-legged patients at BluePearl Paramus included Christian Eriksson, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM, and Andrea Eriksson, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM-Cardiology.

Ultrafiltration works on anesthetized and conscious patients.

"It's exciting for us because we now have another treatment option for these types of cases," Dr. Davidson said.

Originally published in the March 2017 issue of Veterinary Practice News. Did you enjoy this article? Then subscribe today! 

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