MAF Unite to Fight Animal Cancer campaign kicks off fifth year

Blue Buffalo Foundation joins the campaign with a dollar-for-dollar gift match, up to $75,000, through May 31

Morris Animal Foundation (MAF) has launched its fifth annual Unite to Fight Animal Cancer campaign, which raises funds for research that will lead to new information about how to prevent, diagnose earlier, and treat animal cancers.

In dogs and cats, cancer accounts for nearly half of all disease-related deaths each year, with approximately 11 million new diagnoses made annually. Since 1948, MAF has funded more than 300 cancer studies—investing nearly $40 million.

"Imagine a world where all cancers are treatable and more cures possible," said Tiffany Grunert, acting president/CEO of MAF. "This is a vicious disease that is seen in the pets we love and the wild animals we admire, and with the help of our supporters we can change that."

MAF funding has led to numerous breakthroughs and advancements in cancer care, including:

  • Improved cancer surgery imaging for complete surgical removal of tumors in cats and dogs, improving both treatment decisions and decreasing incidence of tumor recurrence
  • Testing of a canine melanoma vaccine, now confirmed safe and effective in horses with melanoma, providing an effective treatment for a devastating cancer in horses
  • Clinical trials for promising treatments for osteosarcoma, a devastating cancer in dogs, that give hope for improving outcomes for patients
  • Advances in the understanding of viral cancers in domestic cats and wildlife that have helped in the development of prevention protocols and treatments, including vaccine development for feline leukemia virus

The Blue Buffalo Foundation is once again partnering with Morris Animal Foundation in the fight against cancer, with a dollar-for-dollar gift match, up to $75,000, until the end of the campaign on May 31.

Gifts can be made and more information can be found at Unite to Fight Animal Cancer.

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