Megacolon can be curable when handled the right way

Feline megacolon is a progressive condition that leads to irreversible distension of the colon

Megacolon in a 12-year-old cat.
Photos courtesy Dr. Phil Zeltzman

Garfield, a 12-pound, 8-year-old domestic shorthair cat, had become constipated in the past few months. His family veterinarian initially prescribed psyllium fiber (Metamucil). Then, a few weeks later, the vet prescribed methylcellulose fiber (Citrucel). Then a few weeks later, lactulose. Then a few weeks later, a high-fiber canned diet. Then a few weeks later, mineral oil and petrolatum (Laxatone). Then a few weeks later, dioctyl sulfosuccinate (docusate or Colace). Then a few weeks later, polyethylene glycol (MiraLAX). Then a few weeks later, cisapride was started. Then a few weeks later came canned pumpkin. Then a few weeks later Garfield received a low-residue diet.

Garfield was hospitalized multiple times along the way to receive subcutaneous fluids. None of the above options worked well, so he had a few enemas along the way, as well.

His owner spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars in total, and she became incredibly frustrated with the lack of results.

Many months later, Garfield weighed 8 pounds. He technically was obstipated. He had been vomiting and had a rough hair coat, chronic tenesmus, and a poor appetite. He was dehydrated, anorexic, and experiencing pain. He was miserable. A subtotal colectomy finally was recommended. Sadly, our feline patient was a much worse anesthetic candidate than he was a few months ago.

What happened?

Megacolon in a 10-year-old cat with huge fecoliths.

Feline megacolon is a progressive condition that invariably leads to irreversible distension of the colon. Two thirds of the time, we don't know the cause of megacolon in cats, so it can be called an idiopathic, functional obstruction. It is believed that the cause is a degenerative neuromuscular disorder, which is ineluctable, irreversible, and untreatable. This is the reason why medical management is so often palliative at best.

In some cases, megacolon is secondary to untreated pelvic fractures (and rarely a tumor or a foreign body), i.e., a mechanical obstruction. Simple radiographs and rectal examination under heavy sedation or anesthesia will confirm that the fracture malunion is indeed causing stenosis of the pelvic canal.

Feces (fecoliths) in a megacolon are large and rock hard, and cannot mechanically move through a poor cat's anus. Recall that one of the colon's main jobs in life is to reabsorb water. So we can administer all the cisapride, lactulose, and special diets in the world—that poop is just not coming out.

And then, there's the dreadful enema. At best, it will help temporarily; at worst, it can cause traumatic tears of the colon. Either way, the smells and sights probably will make your toughest technicians sick to their stomachs. And it just doesn't accomplish much, once the colonic distension has reached the point of no return.

None of the medical options above provides a cure. In many case, they're a temporary Band-Aid approach. Even cisapride, a prokinetic agent, can stimulate only those feline colonic smooth muscles that are functional. When the colon is overdistended, i.e., when a megacolon is present, cisapride won't help one bit. However, in the vast majority of cases, megacolon is curable with surgery.

Garfield finally goes to surgery

After a thorough a physical and neurological exam, Garfield had a CBC, a biochemical profile, and a urinalysis. The results ruled out metabolic causes for constipation such as hypokalemia and hypercalcemia. Any patient who has been treated for hyperthyroidism also should have thyroxine levels checked to ensure that constipation is not caused by iatrogenic hypothyroidism.

Presurgical preparation is important to improve the outcome. Food is classically withheld 12 hours prior to anesthesia. Access to water should be allowed to reduce the chance of dehydration. Broad spectrum, parenteral antibiotics, analgesics, and IV fluids are administered before, during, and after surgery.

Garfield underwent a thorough laparotomy and a subtotal colectomy. His colon was the size of your forearm. During this procedure, 90 to 95 percent of the colon was resected, regardless of gross appearance. It is important to leave as little colon as possible—just enough to allow for anastomosis without any tension along the suture line.

Failure to remove enough of the colon can lead to a recurrence of the megacolon, as it is a progressive disease. The colon separates nicely into two layers, which allows for a double layer closure. The colon is emptied and sent for histopathology to rule out inflammatory bowel disease or cancer.

Removal of the ileocolic junction is avoided, unless it is necessary to avoid having tension along the anastomosis. The ileocolic valve is responsible for allowing small intestinal contents to pass into the colon, without allowing reflux of colonic bacteria. Removal of the valve causes reflux of colonic contents, which results in small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). Studies have shown that patients who had ileocolic junction resection had significantly looser stools than those who in which the one-way valve was preserved. These patients go from being obstipated to having chronic diarrhea, which typically improves over time as the intestine adapts and a source of fiber is provided.

Food and possibly an appetite stimulant are offered as soon as possible post-op.

In good, experienced hands, complications are rare. However, they are possible, including colonic leakage, peritonitis, stricture, ischemic necrosis, and abdominal incision dehiscence.

Garfield went home two days after surgery. The next follow-up occurred after four weeks of strict confinement. He was a happy, purring, comfortable cat with a great appetite and a new lease on life.

So please remember: Megacolon does not have to be a horrible, chronic, debilitating nightmare. It can be a curable disease with early surgical intervention.

  • Cats should never receive an enema during the preop period. Otherwise, it dramatically increases the risk of fecal leakage during the anastomosis.
  • Fibers may help in the early stages of idiopathic megacolon when the colon still has some ability to contract. But in the later stages, fiber supplementation may worsen distention and subsequent symptoms.
  • Misoprostol, ranitidine, and nizatidine have shown positive effects in vitro on feline colonic smooth muscle contraction. In vivo studies have yet to confirm whether they are a good option for treating idiopathic megacolon.
  • Erythromycin has no effect on feline colonic smooth muscle; therefore, is it not indicated in the treatment of feline constipation, obstipation, or megacolon.
  • Metoclopramide and domperidone enhance gastric motility, but they have no effect on colonic transit times, therefore making them useless for megacolon.
  • It is important to inform cat owners to never use over-the-counter enemas, even infant enemas, such as Fleet (sodium phosphate), which can be toxic to cats.
  • Using daily bisacodyl (Dulcolax) long term is not recommended because of potential injury to nerves cells in the colon (myenteric neurons).

Dr. Phil Zeltzman is a board-certified veterinary surgeon and author. His traveling surgery practice takes him all over Eastern Pennsylvania and Western New Jersey. Visit his websites at and

Kat Christman, a certified veterinary technician in Effort, Pa., contributed to this article.

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51 thoughts on “Megacolon can be curable when handled the right way

  1. I'm so thankful I found your news about megacolon. My 3-year old kitten has just been diagnosed with it. We knew something was wrong when she started pooping all over the house. Our vets are so "trained" by this VCA group they sold out to that we don't know who to trust anymore. I will be checking your website for more information.

    1. My cat named Tux a long hair domestic cat 8 years old. He had been treated multiple times to receive subcutaneous fluids. None of the above options worked for very long and so he had a few enemas along the way, as well. His diet was Id chicken flavor food and some tuna along with some Iams dry chicken flavor food. The had him on Cisapride and Miralax and lactulose. None of this worked for him. I had spent a lot of money between office visits and mediacation that did not work. Then the last visit in later part of Januray he deobstipated and that work for a while and then two months later he became sick and the Vet suggested several options one was deobstipate or consider urthernize or take him to the Vet Er Hospital. So I took him to the Hospital and he was in there for two days on IV before they attempted to do anything? This was critical time for him and I feel they wasted to much time and was a very busy place for an Er/Hospital and I feel Tux was pushed off to wait. Then over the weekend they gave him go litely to remove the feces and then gave him an enema and he was doing fine for that afternoon and evening but, early the next day his condition became worse. The idea was to have the Colon Surgery but, sadly his medical condition got worse and they said he had other issues with his blood platelets and kidney stones and then they suggested euthanizing him. So sadly he is gone as 03/25/2019. I do not believe they handled everything properly between the Vet and especially the Er Hospital from the time he arrived… They didn't move quickly enough he kept being put off because of all of walk-ins and emergencies they had and I don't
      feel like some of them had enough knowledge/Medical Students simply because one of would tell they would to speak with someone from another department for assistance with him… Really ? Of course I am upset he was my Pretty Baby Boy and now I am going to have a huge bill to pay-off when I do not feel they handled this the right way.

      1. I'm so sorry to read about your cat. last month something very similar happened with me and my cat. He had severe obstification and the vet sent me to AVETS animal hospital to have him deobstificated. My cat, "The Colonel" spent four days at the animal hospital and they had him on the go lightly solution through a tube in his nose for the first 2 to 3 days. He had not eaten at all during that time and I had to suggest to them to please start giving him feeding and nourishment through a tube instead of the NG. He ended up developing Kidney failure during his stay and I had to have them euthanized. He had absolutely no kidney disease or infections of any kind going into the hospital. I am absolutely devastated and I'm so sad when this happens to cats and their loving owners.

  2. I have two cats from two different cloweders who have mega colon. My one cat, Izzy, has had it for 8 years and with cisapride, Lactulose he is doing fine. About every two or three weeks he gets 1/4 tsp of Miralax (my vet recommended it). My girl, Precious has the classic huge stools but I supplement her food (Royal Canin Fiber Response) with lactulose, just a .5 dose 3 times a day, she seems to do fine with that. I keep them on a strict regiment which helps bowel movements plus I monitor their litter. Precious take no other meds but Lactulose and the Royal Canin food and does just fine. Unfortuately I have found the Cisapride is not available locally here in my home town for the past 3 months and have resorted to using a send away compounding pharmacy which I am not happy with. I also know they charge me almost double for their cisapride.

    1. When you say "classic huge stools" , how large are they and and is a large diameter stool (18mm) a sign of megacolon ? My 3 yer old Female Siamese Mix had constipation out of nowhere and after vet enemas she has been on the fiber response dry food. Her stools have gotten larger and larger and now goes every 48 hours rather than every 24..

      1. Have her get Xrays so you can see if the poop is backed up. if the poop is larger and thicker than a pinky finger. It's most likely megacolon.

    2. I'm not sure who you're using but I used road runner pharmacy and found their pricing and service to be excellent. I was using a local pharmacy and paid twice what R. R. P. Charged me.

    3. Hello, I'm not sure what state you live in but Archway Apothecary in Louisiana is a compounding pharmacy that ships to most states. I know they make Cisapride in a liquid and in capsules. I use the capsules for my cat.

  3. I too was paying exorbitant amount of money for the compounded Cisapride and Lactulose. Until my Vet prescribed the larger quantity bottle script. It has helped. with cost. This compound has worked well for my cat along with the Royal Canin.

    1. We are using lactalose which worried well for a few months and now our 15 year old cat is in her 4 th day of no bowl movement.
      Is surgery necessary?

      We live in Miami,Fla

      1. Dont EVER post a message to ANY ONLINE VET when your cat is actively sick! GET THEM TO A VET IMMEDIATELY! online Vets are writing an article they are NOT ACTIVE ONLINE ANSWERING QUESTIONS

      2. My 19 year old cat is currently on cisapride and loxicam (pain relief and will be for the rest of her life. Currently she is experiencing a blockage also, I reccomend under any circumstances do not give your cat dry food, wet food only , as this has been a few years on going my vet does give me enemas for me to try at home on my cat . Prior to this recent blockage she has been great for 4 months, hopefully it passes in a day or to and we are back on track. Hopefully this helps as there is not much info out there for older cats.

  4. My cat Bella was born without the use of her back legs. Since becoming an adult she developed megacolon. I do give her Miralax 1/8 of a tsp daily.At times she has stool that gets backed up in the rectum. She may not pass the stool for several days. If she goes 2-3 days without a stool I manually from the outside squeeze her rectum and help her pass part of the stool then she will usually pass the remaining stool within a day or 2. When I do this she complains, gets mad and yells. Am I causing her pain? Or is she just complaining?

    1. I have been putting vaseline on my cats bottom it seems to relax her enough to help pass it.I would never squeeze her may cause damage I have been sing Restoralax,& taken her off dry food period

      1. That should say, using Vaseline,which she also lick's some of it off,which is good
        Read up more on Megacolon & do what you need to do with a change of food or go to the vet .

  5. My kitty is not doing good at all:( we have been dealing with this for 4 yrs now. Used restorlax cispride lactose n hydration and he was good for 2 yrs but now it has happened all over again. 3500 dollar vet bill this weekend n he is still not going:( I'm so upset

  6. My cat is not doing well either. One week after manual obstipation he is impacted again. He will not take the cisapride, and if we manage to get it in him he throws up. He does not regularly drink water either. It's not looking good. We were afraid to put him through surgery when this first started because he is so afraid of people and everything. We thought if we kept him on track we could avoid it, and he was fine for a long time. It happens very quickly. Now they say it's too late for surgery. We never thought it would get this bad this fast. Not a happy Christmas for us.

  7. Just to add, we have been giving him Miralax and recently lactulose. They work for a while, but not effective enough for his megacolon. The cisapride was in addition, but not effective since he could not retain it.

    1. So sorry for what you're going through. Our cat just passed two weeks ago. We are heartbroken. But she lived 14 years and was diagnosed with megacolon as a kitten. The combination that worked best was cisapride 5 mg two times a day. Crushed up pills mixed it with a little wet food she ate it up, then 15 minutes later gave her her full meal. The Royal Canaan fiber response for cats was a game changer. Greatly improved her overall health. And 100 mg subcutaneous fluids once every 3 to 4 days. The colon must have liquids. Best of luck.

      1. hello Leslie, our cat is just now trying the cisapride but we were only prescribed to use 1mg two times a day, I wonder if your cat was on 5mg because it was in pill form? my cat has had 3 doses but no bowel movement yet 🙁
        Also, did you use the Royal Canin dry or wet food?
        and how did you give the subcutaneous fluids every 4 days?

  8. My cat (10yrsold) developed megacolon. The cause is dry food. Nature did not design cats to eat dry food; they are meat eaters. It took me 3 days to convert her to wet food (after 10 yrs). I confined her with wet food, water and a litter box; she responded. The cisapride was a tremendous help to clear blockage. The ex-ray showed several balls of compacted waste. Now she no longer moans while sleeping; no regurgitating hair balls; no cries during defecation. You can use the cheapest no name can cat food on the shelf and it's better than that expensive dry vet prescribed bag of dry. Royal Canin Saitey cost $71 a bag. With wet food just add water; rinse the can with a little water and add to food. Cats have a low thirst drive and that's why water fountains (expensive) are promoted to encourage drinking; cats get most moisture from meat. Please do not start or continue dry food feeding; it's killing them. There is no cure for megacolon. Yet. Wet food is the cure to the digestive issue.

    1. I was wondering if those water fountains were actually as good as advertised. Expensive, yes, but do they really attract cats to drink more water? I had thought about getting one; my megacolon kitty drinks hardly any water. Have you tried one? I wasn't sure from your comment. I'd like to hear opinions from others; I don't want to waste miney on something that doesn't do what I need it to, when that money can go to my vet bill.

    2. Shirley, I agree. I wish the vets would stop prescribing that nasty dry food for cats. I took cats off dry food years ago. Their coats are shinier, they lost weight and seem to do better overall.

  9. Any suggestions on how to convince a vet to write a prescription for subcutaneous fluids? A bag with needles cost approx $30+ from their facility.
    I've researched mail order, as a source and it is considerably less costly. Plus, I want to be able to administer fluids, as soon as my cat starts exhibiting signs of constipation (stops drinking and eating).
    The subcutaneous fluids does appear to make him more comfortable and coherent.
    After that, he will consume very small quantities (usually only a teaspoon mixed with water) of a post op, Hills Science Diet, canned recovery food. (Note: Cost approx $2.75 for a 5 oz can. I highly recommend it because the formulation and odor is the only food that he'll even consider consuming once he's no longer eating his regular canned food.)
    My cat is 12 years old and had his first serious bout of constipation approx 3 months ago.
    He does not like dry food and I have always mixed his canned food with hot water to a pourable consistency. Plus, occasionally the addition of an egg mixed in with the canned food and hot water.
    Since his first episode, I've been adding even more water and discovered that a pinch of Miralax powder needs to also be added, at least every other day.
    We still have a bottle of the liquid, feline laxative the vet prescribed and if he gets constipated, it helps along with the subcutaneous fluids.
    To get more personal and if it might help others, I will share the fact that if you research online, there is some info on finding your cats colon by using your finger on both sides of its spine. Pressing below the spine as you move your fingers down. On my cat, I am able to feel the rounded and expanded colon filled with hardened feces.
    My cat is docile enough that I've been able to compress his colon enough to separate a section of clay like firm stool.
    Also, when his rectum is noticeably larger and obvious that hard stool is pressing on it. He's not pleased with having a latex covered finger inserted. But will tolerate it and I've been able to gently break off a fraction of an inch to relieve the discomfort of the pressure on his rectum.
    He's noticeably more comfortable afterwards.
    When he first got ill, I was protective and would not allow him out in the enclosed backyard.
    That was a mistake, as he was uncomfortable and needs to move around and pass stool whenever and wherever he feels the urge to expel feces.
    When he's outdoors, he is dropping stool on the deck. Which is okay with me, as long as he is comfortable and doesn't get constipated.
    Back to subcutaneous fluids – again, any suggestions on obtaining a prescription with refills from vet to be able to take advantage of mail order fluids would be appreciated.

    1. I would find a new vet if they are unwilling to help you save money by writing a prescription so you can have it filled at a pharmacy of your choice. This seems to be a big problem with vets marking up the prices on meds they dispense from their office. They have competition from the online pharmacies and they know it. I have the same problem with my vet so I am leaving and going elsewhere. For the past year, they were making me refill the lactulose monthly with a tiny bottle that cost me 24 dollars. Then they were calling my home trying to get me in there for my cat's exam when it hasn't even been a year. Then I went online and found out you can a large bottle of lactulose for 15 dollars and 10 dollars at King Soopers!after that I had enough. You have to insist because most of them won't bring it up.

    2. I applaud you for your undying love for your feline friend.
      I too have had to dawn the glove.

      My kitty is a ripe 20 yo and when I brought her to the vet they wanted an outrageous amount of money to perform an enema but told me surgery wasn't an option for such an elderly cat, and I should prepare for the worst. That was over a year ago. I left that day with some fluids and lactulose. Amidst reading the label I discovered directions to prepare a solution for an enema, so I performed it myself at home.
      The first time or 2 it seemed to have worked although she would be sick and vomit the rest of the day, but bowel movements would return thereafter. After a few months though the enemas no longer helped. I brought her back to the vet and they suggested I put her down, she would be forever impacted and die from the resulting effects on her body.

      So I took her home, and cried to my mom. My mother being a nurse suggested I dialate her anus to help her pass the hardened feces. So I did. She has lived thus far and is content most of the time. Every month or so I have to exorcize the demon from the depths of her rectum though.

      I really thought until i read your post that i must be deranged for going to such extreme measures to keep my kitty alive but now I am at peace knowing there is another kindred soul out there with the same undying love for their pet. Thank you.

      1. My cat has been having difficulties for 6 or so years now. She is 15 and in the last year, has been to the vet 6 times. She is on the lactose, cisapride and restoralax. How do you do dilate the anus?
        I had her at the vet today to be cleaned out. They gave her fluids and an enema. They wanted to do xrays and I declined. Also, where can I get fluids to give her? Do I need a prescription?

  10. My female cat is 13 years old, when I rescued her her tail was broken in 6 places and her right leg was broken in several places with bone protruding thru her skin, she was cut to pieces all over her body and both her tail and leg had to be amputated from her hip , she had massive internal injuries which required surgery, and she was extremely malnourished, now her remaining back leg has "shifted" to the center of her back and she has mega Colin, when she tries to push out stool her her leg just gives out, she weighs less than 2 lbs and is extremely small, does anyone have suggestions on what might help her or if you have had or are having this same problem please let me know, thank you.

    1. Susie,

      Whete are you located? Please get her to a good vet as soon as possible, poor baby to be going through that – I'm hoping you live near me where I can recommend someone

  11. You know what? I don't remember constipation ever being a problem in years past. Not until all the vet & pet shows started getting popular, along with people treating their pets like they are people, did this constipation issue arrise, but also the huge vet bills (but the cost for my Vvet friend says he doesn't have to charge so much for a spay/neuter $300, he could charge $50 or a little less, but if the people will pay it he'll charge it, along with a lot of other people) I think the pet food is causing the constipation problems, what else could it be? This little issue has set people back thousands of dollars. My vet, no fee to visit, charges what he feels is fair, typical operation… $40 on a cat.

    1. Wow, where is this vet? I wish more vets were like this, and not about money! We just paid $800 to X-ray, give blood tests, get a laxative and then finally an enema to our cat. Hoping it's the last of all this. 🙁 Glad people are posting their experience and tips, so thanks!

  12. My cat is 19 yrs old now. 5 yrs ago he was diagnosed with megacolon, my vet told me to feed him can food and mix one half teaspoon of mirolax in it once a day and try to keep it around the same time everyday, he drinks alot of water and doesn't gain alot of weight but he is doing great.

  13. My 10 year old cat has mega colon and the vet said to use miralax 2 times a day 1/4 teaspoon or 1/2 teaspoon depending how he responds, am also giving him distilled filtered water in cat water fountain that constantly runs 24/7. Have also given him two other bowls of water with one drop of liquid catnip and the other with one drop of essiac in the bowl of water. Am also considering adding a probiotic in his food maybe once a week but have not done that yet.

  14. I am considering the surgey for a 14 year male American short hair beauty named Nikko he weighs about 21 lbs and has been battling megacolon for the past 4 years. Any suggestions? Cat parents and cat docs thank you.

  15. I'm sorry to say that expensive surgery is not the cure by any means. I know when our pets are experiencing pain we want to do anything no matter what the costs and what our beloved pet will endure. My cat was 13 years old, had been on all of the prescribed medications for at least five years and then we got to the point where everything stopped. He had to have multiple enemas to be able to survive. Finally I asked the vet " does he have "Megacolon." I only knew to ask this because I had been doing my own research on the internet. To my surprise this was the true diagnosis and I was shocked to hear my vet say " yes, he does." So off to the surgeon we went. He was aware of the procedure but was a bit concerned at the age of my cat, so long as he passed all of the lab and xray requirements than he felt it would be ok to go ahead with the surgical procedures. It was April 16th, I was able to take him home on the 19th. We ceased to give him any of the meds he had been on, now 2 weeks of antibiotics and 7 days of pain meds. The only other problem was if he would have diarrhea forever or if this would get better as time went on. The first few weeks were "iffy" he tried to go in his box, but with the amount of time he'd have to stay there to wait for something to come out got to be confusing to him and proceeded to go standing up, no matter where he felt the need to go. He was also vomiting and I explained this to the surgeon. He couldn't say why this was happening, they'd need to see him again, and here we go more costs. Between the pre-surgery visits to the vet, and the surgery, the cost was $4,500, maybe more. The surgery changes everything, your cat will go through major pain, and unfortunately will not be totally cured. A cat is a cat when it comes to using their box, even after 13 years of repeated use, the change to his body as he knew it all changed. We had to lay down towels and rugs before we went to be or work. On June 8th I had to take him in, it was an emergency! He was in labor trying to go, puking all over, hiding and miserable. Sadly that day was the worst day of my life,the on call vet didn't even know how he could help, the surgeon of course was out for the weekend, the only best decision was to put him to sleep. I write about this is because there is no cure for this disease, and no real reason why it happens in some cats and dogs. From my experience I want to raise caution on doing the colomecty on your animal. If it's not going to be the absolute best thing to do, and based on your cats history and age, then it's one of the biggest decision you'll ever have to make. If there was something that we could have done to save him, believe me we would have done it. Once the meds, cisapride and lactalose no longer worked then the next big decision comes. If your cat or dog end up with this awful situation, then I hope you consider everything first, and if your pet is elderly then please consider the outcome if it means your pet has to experience what mine did. If you are going through this I wish you the best. I miss my friend everyday but I also know he isn't confused and in pain anymore! It's hard, I completely understand. Thanks!

  16. My baby suffered a few years of these horrible issues that got to the point of only option to change her life was this specialised surgery. She was found crushed on a road as a kitten at 5 months. Problem i faced was the insurance wouldn't cover any issues relating to her crushed pelvis I.e the problems I would later face due to this injury narrowing her exit passage and healing poorly over time as she grew therefore having severe obstruction trying to poo. First years of life whilst she was growing were fine but around 3 years old the problems crept in and over the next 3-4 years got much worse. Enemas at vet were every 6 months and over time progressed more frequently. Good spells then very frequent bad ones. Introduced lactulose that kept having to be increased massively over time, also removed dry food altogether (for my other poor cats too being a multi cat household) then we thought we found a miracle relief after 3 years of hell and numerous enemas for a time using a new diet of royal canin gastro intenstinal alongside lactulose 15ml daily and 3-6ml daily of liquid paraffin, a new extra. Worked for a few months then back to bad again. Enemas under sedation every 4-6 weeks not sustainable with additional weight loss. I was referred finally to a specialist hospital who operated on her and though I was so worried about losing her at her young age of 7 years old the best move I made! Cost me £5000 private specialist but no regrets. She's like a new happy cat and thriving! Put on weight, can eat everything now and her coat is shiny and glossy. Such a happy healthy cat! Soft poo now but no diarrhoea or mess around the house as feared. I wish I'd done it sooner but the procedure wasn't as common and safe a few years ago! I wasted so many thousands of pounds over 3-4 years before this surgery became more common and available and was recommended to me. Do not hesitate and waste time if you are having similar issues to our story especially if your cat has developed mega colon like mine did over time. It's scary but it's the best chance your cat has for a new lease on life and my stress levels are gone now too! I've told her she just has to live forever now but she's worth every thousand I have paid! Good luck and stay strong if your living the same story be assured you can change it and have success xx

  17. I am desperate for help! I am a foster mom and I currently have 3 kittens ready to return to the shelter in 3 days for spay/neuter and adoption. One kitten started failing about 4 weeks ago, constipated, in pain, listless, dehydrated, and wouldn't eat. An xray confirmed megacolon. He was scheduled to be euthanized 2 weeks ago but I asked fir more time with him. I increased his lactulose from every 12 to every 6-7 hours, He is on
    Hills ID and a daily probiotic. Many small meals. He has gained weight, no longer screams when trying to poop. Passes a 2" or so formed but no longer rock hard stool – albeit not often in the box. He is happy, plays with his siblings, but I fear he will not be adoptable when he returns to the shelter. He is 11 weeks old. Any hope for him? Will he always be a special needs kitty? Do you think this improvement is encouraging, or a fluke?

    1. HI Kathy-

      Try Royal Canin Fiber food. It's prescription, so talk to your vet about it.My cat loves it and combined with the lactulose he has been doing great for 18 months with no issues in that time period at all.

    2. I buy Starkist low sodium tuna. I drain the juice into a bowl dump the tuna itself into the trash, fill the tuna can with water add it to the juice. Microwave it for 9 seconds, stir with my clean finger to make sure it's just warm. My cat drinks the whole bowl. No more hard stools.
      My cat gets NO dry food. He gets beechnut turkey &turkey broth baby food, microwaved with the baby food jar full of water mixed in with 1/8 of a teaspoon miralax 2 times a day. Two times a day the baby food is mixed psyllium husk, not the powder. I microwave the baby food for 18 seconds and stir it up.
      He had his surgery 10 years ago when he was 6. He is now 16.
      If he misses one day pooping, I don't let it go. I give him 2 bowls of tuns water. That's how I have keep him alive for so long without a colon.

  18. My kitty, Tuppy, was diagnosed with megacolon at the age of three and she is going on fifteen years now. It's still difficult for her and she has maybe used the litter box for feces three times in her entire life, but she's living a pretty great life. I changed her cat food a couple of years ago because the food the vet had her on was discontinued. After a lot of research, I started feeding her Natural Balance Chicken and Green Pea formula (wet) and her stools are softer and more frequent now. She's on .25 of cisapride and 1.5 lactalose x2 daily. There are still occasional bouts of vomiting when she's having trouble passing stool but less than there used to be. She's quite the snuggler which kind of makes the poop on the floor easier to deal with.

  19. My cat has mega colon. We've known since he was a kitten. He is now 6 years old and his condition has worsened. The vet has him on 1.5ml of Cisapride and 2.5ml of Lactolouse 2 per day. He hates it. Runs from us if he knows his meds are coming. He has resorted to peeing around the house. On me, on my husband, couches, cabinets…yesterday he pee'd on my lunch bag. I am at my wits end. Talked to vet about operating and she winced and said "no and only as a last resort as he will poop all over". He is on 1 can of Purina OM per day. He drinks very little water. He has had two enemas at the vet in the past 5 weeks. He will go in tomorrow for another one. We are a multi cat household. The other two are fine but the fourth kitty has problems with diarrhea with many solid foods and has to be on a low fiber diet. Any thoughts would help.

  20. My vet treats obstipation with 40mg depomedrol injections every 2 weeks. Doesn't seem to work but you wouldn't believe how much she started vomiting after his treatment plan.

    At first he thought it was a canker sore causing it so he cut it off, didn't help.

  21. In human medicine, the signs for symptoms like this are sometimes visible on a colonoscopy which allows it to be caught and treated quickly before the symptoms require surgery. It's too bad there's not a study to evaluate a new protocol like that.

    I'm all about minimally invasive, and I hope the surgical approach finds a way to become MIS.

  22. My 7 month old kitten, PipSqueak has been having issues since he was around 3-4mts old.

    He looks Siamese, but with a fluffy tail and super silky, medium length fur. His mom is a tortie point Siamese & his dad is half Siamese (also with a fluffy tail).

    I grew attached to this sweet Lil boy since he was a teeny baby kitten. His mom actually gave birth on my bed, even though I made her a nice little box with soft blankets and a cover. She insisted on keeping him and his sister on my bed from the day they were born, so I had no other choice but to share my bed.
    One day, I was wearing a big sweatshirt and put him in the front pocket & carried him around like that. He obviously loved it, bc from then on he was always trying to climb onto my shirt, nudging his little nose in my belly, trying to find a pocket to crawl in. Lol

    I found this really long tank top that was the perfect shape and length to fold upwards and pin into place, creating a little pocket for him to go into. I also had a couple dresses I could do something similar with. So, most days I'd carry him around with me, like a baby in a sling & he absolutely loved it!!

    Anyway, then when he was around 3-4mts, my brother accidentally stepped on him. He was in a lot of pain for a few days & started having a lot of trouble walking. When I was able to get him to the vet, the vet didn't even touch him. She only gave him an xray, told me his bones weren't dense enough & tried making me euthanize him! I wouldn't do it bc I didn't feel like she did enough to diagnose the issue. She didn't bother taking any bloodwork or anything!
    She said he had to be suffering & acted like I was a terrible person for refusing to put him down! I asked her if I could just come back and have it done in a couple days (to give me time to research possible causes for fragile bones), but she said that I'd be required to pay another exam fee if I did that.
    Anyway, I did do lots of research after getting home and I'm convinced his issue is some type of hereditary rickets. He has a younger sister who is experiencing the same symptoms. I'm so mad about the vet!! I can't afford to pay another vet visit, but I really want to get his bloodwork and find out what type of supplements he needs. Apparently, depending on the type of rickets, cats require different forms of vitamin d, which can only be gotten with an Rx.

    The vet also mentioned at the visit that he was "full of poop". Her reason for telling me was to try and convince me to euthanize him. When I refused, she didn't even give me any advice on how to help his constipation! He got to the point where he hadn't pooped in weeks & I've been trying everything I possibly could. He HAS finally been pooping some, since I've been feeding him miralax. I still don't think he's gotten all the backed up poop out tho. I had to cut his fur on his tail and around his butt, bc he kept getting poop stuck all in it. It still does, but not as bad.

    It actually looks like his butt is sticking out now. It's not like inside out, it's just like there's a big poop stuck in his rectum that's pushing the whole butt area outward, if that makes sense. I've tried giving enemas, which didn't help as much as the miralax. I've been considering trying too manually deobstipate him myself, but I've been too scared since I don't have the correct supplies and I know vets usually do it under anesthesia. He got mad enough when I did the enemas.

    Anyone have any advice? Do you know if his butt sticking out could mean megacolon?

    I've been working on a letter to send to various places, asking if anyone knows of any programs that help low income individuals pay for vet care. I've been bedridden level ill for several yrs. I'm far too sick to work & have no income. I love this kitty so much tho & want to help him (and his tiny sister, who's around 4mts old now). She isn't constipated, but she has painful defecation & trouble walking.
