Mars Petcare has entered into a partnership with the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA).
The company—which has worked with WSAVA for nearly three decades—is now one of the association's diamond partners, the premier level available under WSAVA's Partnership Program.
"It is thanks to partnerships such as this one with Mars Petcare that the many global veterinary experts who contribute voluntarily to WSAVA's important work are helping to transform the future of companion animal medicine, both for practitioners and for their patients," said WSAVA president Shane Ryan, BVSc (Hons), MVS, CVA, GradDipAnimChiro, MChiroSc, MRCVS.
Under the terms of the new partnership, individual divisions of Mars Petcare will support the work of four of WSAVA's clinical committees:
- The Global Nutrition Committee (GNC), which helps the veterinary health-care team and owners to understand the importance of nutrition in companion animal health, will be supported by Royal Canin.
- The Animal Wellness and Welfare Committee (AWWC), which promotes advances in companion animal wellness and welfare around the world, will be supported by Mars Petcare.
- The Hereditary Disease Committee (HDC), which raises awareness and understanding of hereditary disease and genetic predispositions in dogs and cats, will be supported by Wisdom Health.
- The WSAVA One Health Committee (OHC), which works to highlight the importance of the companion animal-human interface on the global One Health agenda, will be supported by Mars Petcare.