KSU veterinary researchers, Anivive license FIP antiviral drug

The process of bringing GC376 to market will now accelerate, but researchers say it could take several years before it will be available on the market

A collaboration at Kansas State University and Anivive Lifesciences is promoting the commercial development of GC376, an antiviral compound for feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), which previously has had no effective treatment or cure.

Yunjeong Kim, DVM, PhD, ACVM, and Kyeong-Ok "KC" Chang, DVM, MS, PhD, virologists at KSU's College of Veterinary Medicine, and William Groutas, a medicinal chemist at Wichita State University, have been collaborating since 2006 to develop antiviral drugs for human and animal viruses.

The licensing agreement was coordinated by the KSU Institute for Commercialization with Anivive Lifesciences, a California company whose proprietary software accelerates the discovery and development process of new pet medicines.

"We have been working on antiviral drugs that inhibit a specific virus protease of some important human and animal viruses, and we were able to make very potent inhibitors of FIP," Dr. Kim said. "Through collaborative work with Niels Pedersen at the University of California, Davis—including a field trial on feline patients—we became increasingly hopeful that antiviral treatment may one day substantially benefit cats with FIP. Licensing our compound to Anivive Lifesciences is a huge step forward in transitioning our research to commercialization to make this treatment available to the public."

FIP is a progressive and fatal disease caused by a feline coronavirus that can affect both domestic and wild cats. Feline coronaviruses are the cause of viral enteritis, which is typically harmless. But in rare instances, FIP can arise, spread throughout the body, and cause death, particularly in cats age two and younger.

"There are many viral diseases that affect human and animals, but antiviral drugs are available for only a number of viruses, and none has been approved specifically for animals" Dr. Chang said. "Companion animals are increasingly viewed as part of the family, so the feelings of grief over the loss of their cats by this deadly disease can be devastating and very hard to cope with."

"FIP has long plagued veterinarians and pet owners alike and we look forward to moving this program toward an eventual approval," said Dylan Balsz, Anivive's founder and CEO.

The approval process, overseen by the Food and Drug Administration's Center for Veterinary Medicine, requires several steps documenting the efficacy, safety, and manufacturing of the compound. The entire process and time to bring GC376 to market will now accelerate because of the Anivive Lifesciences and KSU collaboration, but researchers say it could take several years before it will be available on the market.


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12 thoughts on “KSU veterinary researchers, Anivive license FIP antiviral drug

  1. I have a sweet kitty named Philip who by all appearances and tests looks to be stricken with FIP. ? Are there any trials for the recent promising drug that's not yet on market?

    1. Dear Stacy: I am sorry to hear this about Phillip. I work with Dr. P at UCD. I am at this URL today to save the link to this story to sadly send to yet another person whose cat is fighting this insidious disease in order to provide them an update on one licensing process. At this time there are currently no open clinical trials of anti-virals to treat FIP at UC Davis or anywhere else that I am aware of. Another trial at Davis MAY open up by the end of 2019. However, at this time we are in the very early stages of investigation. Any information on our FIP treatment clinical trials will be update first on the UC Davis Veterinary Center for Clinical trails (VCCT) website. https://www2.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/clinicaltrials/current_trials/index.cfm Regards, Mike B

  2. Please please please SOONER SOONER SOONER! We have a cat now struggling! Why are you so SLOW? Why dont you let any vet to do a trial research with gc376 or gs441? We asked our vet but he refused, said can lose his license. My god this is incredible pain to know that there is a cure and you CAN help you furry baby but you cannot do it due to terrible BURAUCRACY in the United States. I am crying and I am angry. DO COUNTRY WIDE TRIAL!!! WE HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE!!!

  3. our almost 1 year old baby girl Freyja was diagnosed late Friday with FIP. They have removed over 70cc of fluid from her chest. We terribly want to do something to stop it's progress and hopefully a cure. Please let us know of anything we can try. thanks so much!

  4. we have a 12 week old kitten named Rob who our vet thinks has FIP. We just lost our home in the wild fires and really don't want to lose Rob (the kitty). Is there ANY WAY to get this drug for him? Please??

  5. HELP!!!!! I had to put down my Gracie, who had FIP, 2 weeks ago. I have 5 cats in my home, ranging from 2.25 years to 5.25 years old. My vet says to give them the FIP vaccine, but I have read it can actually 'kick it in' and get them sick with FIP. Do you recommend the FIP vaccination? Also, it is contagious through saliva only or through litter boxes as well??

  6. HELP!!!!! I had to put down my Gracie, who had FIP, 2 weeks ago. I have 5 cats in my home, ranging from 2.25 years to 5.25 years old. My vet says to give them the FIP vaccine, but I have read it can actually 'kick it in' and get them sick with FIP. Do you recommend the FIP vaccination? Also, it is contagious through saliva only or through litter boxes as well?? MY PREVIOUS POST HAD INCORRECT EMAIL ADDRESS !!!************

  7. I've lost three cats to FIP. And they all had contracted the corona virus two to three years prior to dying from FIP, so it's not true that the corona virus turns into FIP in RARE CASES.

  8. My cat has had a fever for 11 days . The vet thinks it could be FIP . Please help with any trials that he can get into . Why aren't vets allowed yet to try these drugs? Located in Cleveland Ohio

  9. For the folks posting that they have FIP kitties, look for the private Facebook group "FIP warriers using GS" and ask to join the group. Help is available, but the medication is costly.
