It’s a sight one doesn’t see every day: A dog with what looked like four ears, and teeth growing out of her head. The dog, now named Esmeralda, was a stray and brought into the Oklahoma City (OKC) Animal Welfare in Oklahoma City, Okla. Since arriving, she has seen a vet. According to the OKC Animal Welfare Facebook page: “She was spayed today and while she was out our veterinarian was able to take a closer look at her deformities. It appears that she was born with a jaw that was not aligned and with extra tissue that formed in her ear area however the ear is NOT an ear, it's a mouth! So she actually has one working ear and a mouth on the other side rather than 4 ears. She will recover from surgery in a foster home and we will continue to follow her medical needs until time for her to find a new home.” Officials from the welfare need to raise funds to get Esmeralda treated for her deformity. They placed her on the OKC Animal Welfare’s Angel Fund program, and are asking the public to help with donations. You can find out more here.