Complications after a spay are more common than one might think. Slatter’s Textbook of Small Animal Surgery reports the following complication rates in the “Ovary and Uterus” chapter: • 18 percent overall complications in one study. • 33 percent suture reactions in another one. Some complications include: • Hemorrhage (the most common cause of death). • Ovarian remnant syndrome. • Uterine stump pyometra, inflammation and granuloma. • Fistulous tracts, typically due to braided, non-absorbable suture material used as ligatures. • Ligation of a ureter. • Urinary incontinence in 11 percent to 20 percent of cases. • Weight gain of 26 percent to 38 percent. Additionally, problems related to any abdominal surgery include anesthesia complications, delayed wound healing or dehiscence, incisional infection, self-trauma to the incision and retained gauze square. Related Article: Should You OE or Should You OHE? <HOME>