Ceva Animal Health and Fear Free have partnered to offer practice certification to qualifying veterinary hospitals. Since the Fear Free training and certification program launched in 2016, more than 20,000 professionals have enrolled. “Fear Free is excited to leverage Ceva’s existing talent of highly-qualified, educated, and passionate veterinarians for practice certification,” said Marty Becker, DVM, founder and CEO of Fear Free. “This collaboration will allow us to offer a larger number of certification visits, with a highly trained team, at affordable rates to hospitals.” “Ceva is proud to be an inaugural sponsor of Fear Free and believes strongly in the program and its mission,” said Craig Wallace, CEO and NAPAC Zone Director at Ceva. “Our veterinary services team and territory managers know firsthand how adoption of these protocols improves the experience of the pet, the pet owner, and even hospital staff leading to more frequent and more in-depth appointments. We look forward to helping veterinary hospitals become certified by embracing the Fear Free approach, which benefits all involved.” The Fear Free way The certification program was based on the input of its 160-member advisory panel, comprised of board-certified veterinary behaviorists, veterinary practice management experts, and other industry leaders. While individual training and certification provides professionals with the tools they need to reduce fear, anxiety, and stress in patients, certification looks at all aspects of a veterinary business, from culture and leadership to client education, staff training, and facility and patient experience. Ceva veterinarians, who in their capacity as Fear Free consultants, will conduct thorough and impartial certifications, according to the company. “The Ceva veterinarians are committed to becoming fully immersed in Fear Free and will receive extensive training prior to practice certification launching,” said Dr. Becker. “All certifying veterinarians will be Level 1 and Level 2 certified, and will have taken all of Fear Free’s available CE.” “Practice certification is the next transformative step in veterinary medicine, said Julie Reck, DVM, owner of the Veterinary Medical Center of Fort Mill in South Carolina and member of the Fear Free executive council. “This partnership will create an opportunity for veterinary practices to demonstrate a united commitment to providing kind and compassionate care for animals, which is a refreshing reminder of what inspired us to pursue veterinary medicine in the first place!” Veterinary professionals can visit fearfreepets.com to sign up and begin the certification process.