Professional growth and well-being central to new industry partnershipFebruary 1, 2024The Farmer’s Dog will participate in World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) committees focused on the betterment of companion animals’ welfare and supporting and empowering veterinary care teams.
SPONSORED CONTENTBringing Light Home: How Super Pulsed Laser Therapy Enhances Pet HealingOver the past two decades, laser therapy has seen tremendous growth in veterinary practices. What was once considered an alternative therapy is now an integral part of mainstream veterinary care, particularly in rehabilitation, dental, and preventative medicine. +
Euthanasia: Not the worst part of the jobJanuary 22, 2024"The biggest threat to the veterinary psyche is not over the death of animals. It has more to do with their humans."
Eight great reasons to retire early from veterinary practiceJanuary 17, 2024Some of us practice for years before acquiring challenges that preclude our ability to fully embrace traditional practice. While most who encounter these common obstacles feel compelled to see their way through however they can, there are limits to what any of us should drive ourselves to endure.
Progress in tackling mental health issues evident among veterinary teams, study showsJanuary 17, 2024Merck Animal Health’s 4th Veterinary Wellbeing Study indicates an increase in clinics supporting their team’s mental health and emotional well-being
VPN Plus+ ExclusivePsyMed: The Science Linking Psychological Stress and Medical SymptomsJanuary 12, 2024It is well-known certain behavioral signs can identify chronic psychological stress that eventually may affect medical symptoms. This field is known as “PsyMed.” This lecture shows how identifying these behaviors is more effective than measuring cortisol. Rolan Tripp, DVM, CABC, takes a deep dive into stress-induced cell adhesion molecule disruption and introduces the PsyMed hypothesis as the connection between pet behavioral health and enjoyable longevity.
Navigating caregiver burdensJanuary 3, 2024Addressing and reducing the numerous burdens associated with long-term care plan can help improve the quality of life of the owner, the pet, and the veterinarian involved.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveTech Talk: Don't put your self (care) on the shelfDecember 13, 2023By Jamie Rauscher, LVTVeterinary medicine is a whole different ball game. October, leading into November, starts a crazy time for us that is second only to the hectic days of summer. So, many of us dread the holidays and the stress that comes with it. For those of us who work in general practice, our stressors are different than those who work in emergency medicine or even those that work remotely. Those in academia experience their own woes, as well. We all have our holiday horror stories to share with our co-workers.
Mental wellness of technicians central to new Texas A&M projectDecember 7, 2023The wellness initiative is aimed at providing veterinarian technicians a new space for relaxation, recharging, and connecting with colleagues.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveAre you disappointed in your profession?November 23, 2023By Patty Khuly, VMD, MBAIt has finally happened. I’ve turned into that veterinarian: the crotchety, 30-year veteran of private practice so disillusioned by her own profession’s evolution she has begun actively planning a definitive exit strategy.
Tips gleaned from decades of being a veterinarianNovember 7, 2023"Treat pets like its parent is right there looking over your shoulder."