Veterinary Appreciation Day honors contributions to public and pet healthJune 13, 2023Veterinary professionals are going to feel all the love on Veterinary Appreciation Day, thanks to a new initiative from Trupanion.
SPONSORED CONTENTSupport patients' cognitive function and mobility.Cognitive and mobility decline are common issues facing aging pets, and new Hill's Prescription Diet Brain Care + j/d can help. + Learn More
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveBoomers, gen-xers, millennials, oh my!February 1, 2023When discussing management methods and styles, generational differences are often overlooked, but can be a huge asset to encouraging teamwork. Indeed, the backbone of the veterinary field is teamwork, so becoming knowledgeable about how individual teammates think and interact will be a benefit to management.
Tips to help clients understand costsSeptember 21, 2022Among the more challenging aspects of being a veterinarian is balancing economics and emotion when discussing care for pets. Those who dedicate their career to caring for animals are sympathetic by nature and, thus, understand the emotions involved when speaking with clients about the health of their pets. To be successful, veterinarians need to develop long-term connections with their clients.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveA look inside the open-hospital model of veterinary careAugust 5, 2022By Brennen McKenzie, MA, MSc, VMD, cVMAOne approach I have experienced and believe deserves greater study and broader adoption, is the open-hospital model.3For most of my career, I have worked in a hospital that encourages clients to be with their pet at any time while they are in our care, whether in the exam room for a routine checkup, hospitalized in the ICU, and even during dentistry, surgery, or other invasive procedures.
VPN Plus+ ExclusivePowerful Client Communication Through Social MediaJune 24, 2022Rhonda Bell, CVPM, CCFP, addresses how client communication is more vital than ever before but also more restricted than ever. Sharing positive news and ideas is challenging right now. Where do you begin? How do you have great communication with clients when face to face dialogue is not possible for so many? This is a great opportunity to use your practice social media platforms to communicate with clients.
Coping with shockingly bad client behaviorMarch 28, 2022Everything has changed. Whether we are still curbside or taking clients in one at a time, most of us are still laboring under the pandemified conditions we have been forced to adopt.
Re-earning client trust by leading down the chain of commandMarch 28, 2022Nothing builds or destroys a client’s trust like a veterinary team available (or not available) when a pet is in crisis.
What is the true cost of firing bad clients?February 1, 2022The veterinary client patient relationship, or VCPR, is the basis on which we pretty much function in veterinary medicine. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has defined the VCPR for both the client and the veterinarian.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveFireside Chats: Managing angry clientsSeptember 28, 2021Ericka Mendez, DVM, covers Jedi mind tricks to help you face an angry client. Share them with your team and together learn how to handle the dark emotions that can linger.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveCompassion without the fatigueSeptember 23, 2021By Patty Khuly, VMD, MBANever before, it seems, have we been forced to contend with such problematic client conduct.