Make Sound Commitment To SonographyJanuary 18, 2011 Ultrasound services aren’t necessarily reserved for high-volume practices, experts say. Although many veterinarians determine that their client bases might not validate the expense, some sonographers work independently and will travel to a veterinarian’s office. Depending on the quality, a new ultrasound machine can cost from $10,000 to $100,000, but the price tag isn’t the only potential obstacle. A veterinarian sometimes invests in the equipment but is unprepared for the learning curve. Some say …
SPONSORED CONTENTLike they're not awful enoughThey can cause Echinococcosis, a zoonotic disease with up to a 75% human fatality rate. + Learn More
Small-Animal Practices Not Immune To Antimicrobial ConcernDecember 29, 2010 Though study results vary, researchers looking into methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in human and animal medicine say the incidence of colonization is high. Veterinary researchers postulate that animals can be carriers of the bacteria and transfer it to humans, but it is much more likely for the animal to become colonized by a human carrier than the latter. Scientists report that every bacterium has resistance capabilities and that determining which animal a resistant …
Boost Profit Now To Maximize Practice ValueDecember 29, 2010 Practice values have been trending down for the past decade because of the economy and management mistakes, according to consultants. But, they say, an owner can maximize practice value by increasing net profit. Those steps aren’t new or mysterious but take work and a willingness to change. Seasoned owners are shocked when the appraised value of their practice is less than anticipated, so they may postpone retirement in hope of recouping some value. …
Hold Off Or Write Off?December 8, 2010A new laboratory suite can take the bite out of 2010 taxes. It’s that time of year when veterinarians decide to make an in-house laboratory purchase or find they need to hold off. Fortunately, there are purchase options for 2010 tax deductions that allow for a write-off whether or not the practice has made a profit. The Small Business Jobs and Credit Act of 2010, signed into law by President Obama …
New Study Reveals Most Cats Will Wear CollarsDecember 7, 2010 Almost 73 percent of cats wore collars consistently during a six-month study period; statistics that can help veterinarians discuss the importance of pet identification with cat owners, according to The Ohio State University. Convincing cat owners, even those with indoor-only cats, that their pets need identification is a “tremendous uphill battle,” said Linda Lord, DVM, Ph.D., assistant professor of veterinary preventive medicine at the university and lead author of the study. “A …
The Flip SideNovember 30, 2010 Pets living primarily outdoors need more calories during winter months to maintain a healthy weight, nutritionists say. This fact may be unknown to the owner and overlooked by the veterinarian considering many pets now enjoy indoor life. Statistics Overweight and obese stats (according to the Association of Pet Obesity Prevention: • An estimated 15 percent of U.S. dogs and cats are obese. That’s 26 million obese pets. • An estimated 45 …
Corridor Sponsors Animal Health Investment ForumOctober 20, 2010 Nineteen companies seeking capital presented their cases at the second KC Animal Health Investment Forum 2010, held Aug. 31 in Kansas City, Mo. Presented by the KC Animal Health Corridor, the investment forum capped off two days of activities that included a research symposium on biosecurity, a technology transfer event in which reps from Kansas State, Missouri, Iowa State, Oklahoma State and Nebraska universities sought commercialization partners, and the “Late Night in the …
They Ate WhatSeptember 21, 2010 Animals will swallow just about anything they can get in their mouth. Don't believe it? The proof isonthe pages of this month's Veterinary Practice News. Our annual radiograph contest, sponsored by Sound-Eklin of Carlsbad, Calif., was judged by Matt Wright, DVM, Dipl.ACVR, of Animal Insides, who has seen just about everything on an X-ray. His verdict: First place to Florida veterinarian Amy McGinnes, DVM, of Black Creek Veterinary Hospital in Middleburg, Fla., whose …
World Rabies Day Expanding To 120 CountriesSeptember 2, 2010 World Rabies Day, now in its fourth year, will take place Sept. 28 in an effort to raise awareness and resources in support of human rabies prevention and animal rabies control. The campaign seeks to reinforce the message that rabies is a preventable disease yet kills 55,000 people a year, or about one person every 10 minutes, according to the Alliance for Rabies Control. The United Kingdom charity helped spearhead the effort with …
Practical Evaluation Of Novel Treatments For Equine Metabolic SyndromeJuly 23, 2010 The horse world has not proven resistant to the obesity epidemic and related diseases that have swept our human population. Every day in my practice I see animals that are overweight or over-conditioned, conditions that put them at risk for a variety of long-term and debilitating diseases. Many of these animals might now be diagnosed with Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS). EMS is a likely …