The Laws Of Likability And How They Affect Your CareerJuly 16, 2012 It’s a simple declarative sentence containing only seven words, but it reveals one of the most critically important secrets of business success: People like to do business with people they like. Obvious perhaps, but ignored too often in today’s high-pressure business environment. When it comes to a highly personal and sensitive service such as that provided by a veterinarian, likability can spell the difference between failure and success. So how does …
SPONSORED CONTENTStart Treating Canine MMVD Patients at Stage B2Learn about early treatment with pimobendan for canine Stage B2 preclinical MMVD patients. + Learn More
The Facts About Non-Communicable Diseases And One HealthJune 25, 2012 Posted: June 25, 2012, 7:00 p.m. EDT The human-animal bond connects veterinarians to millions of families, communities and organizations worldwide. Each of us can play a more active role in the One Health movement. The One Health movement calls for greater cooperation and integration of human health, animal health and ecosystem health sciences. It fosters collaboration at the local, national and global levels to achieve optimal health for people, domestic and free-living …
Rabies: Still Deadly, But Antidote More PleasantMay 21, 2012 EDITORS' NOTE: This is a supplement to Veterinary Practice News magazine's June 2012 cover story, America & Rabies. Untreated, rabies virus in humans is most certainly a death sentence. The good news is the virus spreads slowly through the body and modern treatment is very effective with few unpleasant side effects, said Kristy K. Bradley, DVM, MPH, Oklahoma's state epidemiologist. “What I see a lot of times …
The Changing World Of Veterinary Anesthesia Guidelines And MonitoringMay 2, 2012 UPDATE: AAHA released its anesthesia guidelines in early November. The American Animal Hospital Association is poised to release the first-of-its-kind small animal anesthesia guidelines. A task force comprising six board-certified veterinary anesthesiologists and a certified technician specializing in anesthesia created the approximately 10-page document in an 11-month timeframe. The AAHA guidelines is an all-inclusive, easily digestible document created for use by the entire veterinary team. With expanding anesthesia capabilities for the profession, …
Managing Concurrent Kidney And Heart DiseaseMay 1, 2012 The first step in controlling a patient’s kidney or heart condition is a reliance on the owner’s detection of a clinical problem. Cardiology and kidney specialists suggest preparing clients whose pet has a high risk of disease before symptoms begin–even running blood work or genetic testing if it applies. Information that veterinarians provide to clients will help the owners recognize disease symptoms and increase compliance with veterinary directions when managing the disease. Two-thirds …
Bond And Beyond Bonus Content: A Brief History Of The Veterinary Hospice MovementApril 30, 2012 EDITORS' NOTE: This is special bonus content for Alice Villalobos' May 2012 column, Keeping Hospice in Veterinary Hands. The veterinary literature advocating for pet hospice as a professional service has been evolving since the 1990s. Two main groups have organized the pet/animal/veterinary hospice movement. Historically, the first group is the Nikki Hospice Foundation, founded in 1996 by thanatologist Kathy Marrachino, Ph.D. Nikki organized the first …
Pet Obesity: A Huge ProblemApril 27, 2012 Two-thirds of clients say nothing about their overweight pet unless the veterinarian speaks first, experts say. Initiating the conversation is the first obstacle that veterinarians face when helping patients reduce weight. The U.S. has the fattest pets in the world, and the social and psychological pressure to ignore weight problems is huge. A February 2009 report from the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention shows that more than 44 percent of dogs and …
Feline Heartworm’s A Different AnimalApril 25, 2012 A recent study at Auburn University has shown us a new side of feline heartworms. Dillon and Blagburn, with the financial backing of Pfizer Animal Health of New York, performed an amazing study1. They infected three groups of cats with heartworm larvae. The first group was untreated to see what would happen from natural exposure. The second group was given ivermectin at the time in the life cycle that would …
Dermatology: Dealing With Itchy PatientsApril 25, 2012 Clinical practice guidelines from the International Task Force on Canine Atopic Dermatitis have gotten a lot of interest from primary care veterinarians. These guidelines, created by veterinary dermatologists, offer recommendations to help primary care practitioners identify and treat chronic atopic dermatitis (AD). Last June, the World Small Animal Veterinary Association endorsed the amended guidelines, which have since been translated from English into 18 additional languages. Thierry Olivry, DrVet, Ph.D., Dipl. ECVD, …
Bonus Content: Let’s Regard End Of Life As A Distinct StageApril 23, 2012 EDITORS' NOTE: This is special bonus content for Dr. Villalobos' article, Let's Regard End of Life as a Distinct Stage. To read the full story, click here. Here are three examples of the End of Life stage: 1) Hemangiosarcoma in dogs is often diagnosed at extremely advanced stages after acute collapse from a hemoabdomen crisis. Those with rampant metastases are advised that surgery …