Early detection key in hip dysplasia casesSeptember 26, 2022Puppies are born with normal hips, but changes associated with dysplasia can develop rapidly with earliest changes noted as soon as 30 days after birth. In developing puppies, joint incongruity or malalignment prevents normal development of the acetabulum and femoral head, perpetuating the development of dysplasia.
SPONSORED CONTENTA new way to offer multi-organ supportNEW Hill's Prescription Diet Multi-Organ offers therapeutic nutrition for pets that may have conflicting nutritional needs. + Learn More
Adding a surgical suite in a weekendAugust 12, 2022It is possible to begin offering dental and/or surgical services in as little as a weekend. While practices will need some basic tools, they will not need a contractor and they will not need to move walls. It is an easier way to keep up with the latest advancements in equipment while offering new services or expanding on existing ones.
Perivulvar skin fold disease in obese catsAugust 10, 2022Have you treated a female cat for recurrent bacterial cystitis? Was it an overweight to obese cat? If both are true, you may have noted severe dermatitis was present in the perivulvar and perianal areas. This group of findings is typical when an obese female cat has perivulvar skin fold disease.
An unusual surgery and an effective solutionAugust 3, 2022Recently, Dr. Mike Petty got a phone call from a panicking dog owner because her dog had what appeared to be an anal tumor, which had grown rather suddenly.
Seize and de-cyst canine furcationsJune 30, 2022Furcation cysts are seen in the furcation of erupted teeth, rather than the unerupted teeth associated with dentigerous cysts. The most common tooth affected by furcation cysts appears to be the maxillary fourth premolar tooth.
A perspective on brachycephalic surgeryJune 27, 2022Brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS) is a complex combination of anatomic anomalies leading to restricted air movement in brachycephalic breeds. This syndrome generally includes varying degrees of stenotic nares, everted laryngeal saccules, redundant laryngeal tissue, presence of abnormal concha, elongated soft palate, and tracheal hypoplasia.
Surgical success: Not just about procedureApril 12, 2022Two important parts of any surgical procedure’s successful outcome is the surgery itself and the anesthesia/analgesia that ensures patient safety and comfort.
Exploring surgical site infectionsMarch 22, 2022Surgical site infections (SSI) are a risk for any surgical endeavor. They are defined as an infection occurring anywhere in the operative field after a surgical procedure.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveA look at analgesia for enucleation -- with web-exclusive videosFebruary 22, 2022The surgical procedure for an eye enucleation is within the reach of any reasonably skilled surgeon; however, the pain during and after a procedure can be excruciating.
Treating mandibular symphyseal separationFebruary 17, 2022Mandibular symphyseal separation in dogs and cats usually occurs secondary to trauma. Typically these include being hit by car, falling from a height, fighting another dog or cat, or some form of blunt force trauma.