Four bold questions about hand asepsisMay 24, 2019Hand asepsis is one of the most critical components of surgical asepsis to lower the risk of nosocomial diseases. In this column, we answer four critical and bold questions related to hand asepsis. Could you lose your driver's license by scrubbing in? With the emergence of alcohol-based hand-rub solutions (ABHRS), you may be concerned that with repeated use, you could have enough alcohol in your bloodstream to lose your driver's license. Alcohol is indeed absorbed …
SPONSORED CONTENTA brighter future for parvovirus patientsOur Canine Parvovirus Monoclonal Antibody helps puppies recover faster, and current users report reductions in clinic stress during parvo treatment.1,2 Find out why veterinary teams are embracing CPMA. + Read More
Cone-beam computed tomography in dentistry and oral surgeryMay 24, 2019Computed tomography (CT) has revolutionized our ability to detect subtle hard and soft tissue abnormalities of the maxillofacial region. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) is creating much buzz amongst veterinary dentists when it comes to dental/maxillofacial diagnostic tools. What is the difference between CBCT and conventional CT? Rather than a collection of thin, closely spaced slices obtained with a fan-shaped beam of conventional CT, CBCT has both an X-ray generator and detector that rotates around the …
How to improve your surgical skillsMay 6, 2019What can you do to improve your surgical skills? Assuming your career path does not include a surgery internship or a residency and board certification, here are some tips to raise the surgical bar. Prerequisites Some traits are self-understanding. In order to perform surgery, you need to have dexterity and think in 3D. You'll also need the following: "Good hands"—no shaking allowed. A keen sense of observation. Observe the patient. Observe the tissue. Observe others …
Declawing cats may soon be illegal in New YorkMay 3, 2019Legislation is currently moving through New York's state assembly in an effort to ban the declawing of cats. Declawing is already banned in several cities in California, as well as many countries around the world, including Switzerland, Israel, and the U.K. If Bill A01303 is passed, it would make New York the first state to ban the practice. "Claws play an important role in various aspects of cats' lives. They use their nails to …
Brain Teaser: Can you solve this puzzle?March 25, 2019 Presentation You need to cut into the colon to remove a foreign body or take a biopsy. Challenge 1) What is the holding layer of the colon—the one to include in the suture line 2) Which suture material is ideal? Which needle is best? 3) Which suture pattern is recommended? Check the answers on the next page.
Osteosarcoma: Beyond amputation and euthanasiaMarch 12, 2019When a patient is diagnosed with osteosarcoma, we tend to focus on three options: • the "gold standard," i.e. amputation with or without chemotherapy; • what many call palliative care, meaning pain medication and rest; or • euthanasia. But what if amputation is not an option? What if chemotherapy or radiation is out of the owner's financial capabilities? Or a couple of medications are not enough to numb the pain? What if …
Brain Teaser: Can you solve this puzzle?March 11, 2019 Presentation: A toy was found in the jejunum of a nine-month-old Shih Tzu. Challenge: 1) What is the holding layer of the small intestine—the one to include in the suture line? 2) Which suture material is ideal? Which needle is best? 3) Which suture pattern is recommended? Check the answers on the next page.
Cat declawing may soon be a thing of the past in CaliforniaFebruary 27, 2019Assemblyman Bill Quirk has introduced a bill that would ban the declawing of cats in California. "Declawed cats can suffer long-term physical complications as a result of declawing—it's not just a fancy manicure," Quirk said upon introducing AB 1230. "It's painful, unnecessary, and needs to stop… When this bill becomes law, only licensed veterinarians performing the procedure for specific therapeutic purposes will legally be able to declaw a cat, saving them from a lifetime of …
10 golden rules of cancer surgeryFebruary 20, 2019Surgery plays a critical role in the management of cancer. One significant advantage of surgery is a chance at an immediate cure—after a single session. No other treatment modality can offer that. Here are 10 rules that must be followed to ensure the best possible surgical outcome. Do the math: Surgery is only 10 percent of the entire story. What follows mainly pertains to skin masses, but it applies to any tumor, even intrathoracic or …
Veterinarian guilty of illegally declawing lions at zooOctober 25, 2018A lawsuit by PETA against Rick L. Pelphrey, DVM, has been settled after the veterinarian admitted to declawing lions and tigers illegally without pain medication at Wildlife in Need zoo in Charlestown, Ind.