Agility injuries in dog athletes: Are veterinarians dropping the ball?March 1, 2025Canine agility is booming, with over a million competitors, but injuries and illnesses are common. Growing popularity highlights the need for research, better training, and proactive veterinary care to protect these athletes.
SPONSORED CONTENTLife-saving results for parvovirus casesResearch has shown that puppies treated with our Canine Parvovirus Monoclonal Antibody have shorter clinic stays.1 Transform parvo treatment outcomes for your patients. + Read More
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveTaking the Mystery Out of the Diagnosis and Treatment of Soft Tissue Orthopedic Injuries in DogsJanuary 14, 2025In this session: Soft tissue orthopedic injuries in dogs are challenging to diagnose and treat effectively. Michael Jaffe, DVM, MS, CCRP Diplomate, ACVS, takes the mystery out of some of the most common muscle and tendon injuries seen in dogs. The goal is to present practitioners and technicians with information to assist them in identifying these complicated cases. Diagnosing, treating, and delivering aftercare of calcanean tendon rupture, biceps tenosynovitis, supraspinatus tendon injuries, iliopsoas muscle injuries, and more are discussed.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveJPS? TPO? THR? FHO? WTFudge??? Navigating Hip Dysplasia OptionsJanuary 9, 2025In this session: Clara Goh, BVSc, MS, DACVS-SA, ACVS Founding Fellow—Surgical Oncology covers the main indications, patient selection/exclusion criteria, and ideal timing of these hip dysplasia procedures: juvenile pubic symphysiodesis (JPS), triple or double pelvic osteotomy (TPO), femoral head and neck ostectomy, and total hip replacement.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveYou've Gotta Be Kitten Me, Cats Get Orthopedic Disease Too?December 31, 2024In this session: Nina Kieves, DVM, DACVS, DACVSMR, MBA, discusses the pertinent anatomy of the feline as it pertains to orthopedic disease. Common causes of thoracic and pelvic limb lameness in cats will be presented, along with associated treatment methods. Particular attention will be paid to discussing feline osteoarthritis treatment.
Bisphosphonates can cause jaw necrosisDecember 14, 2024Learn about bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw, the prevalence of the disease, and recommended treatment options.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveA New Way to See an Old Disease: Updates on Canine and Feline OsteoarthritisDecember 4, 2024In this session: Kristin Kirkby Shaw, DVM, MS, PhD, DACVS, DACVSMR, reviews the latest information regarding OA prevalence in dogs and cats, provides tips for how to recognize and diagnose OA and OA pain as early as possible, discusses how to engage the entire veterinary healthcare team (including the caregiver) in management, and discusses how to develop an effective plan of care.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveUsing NSAIDs to rein in performance horse painNovember 15, 2024OA is the leading cause of lameness in more than 60 percent of horses and is a significant concern for those managing the care of performance horses. To combat OA or soft tissue injuries, performance horses are often prescribed NSAIDs to reduce inflammation and pain.
Using integrative rehab for optimal outcomes in cranial cruciate ligament disease casesSeptember 11, 2024How often have you heard the tibial plateau-leveling osteotomy (TPLO) called the 'gold standard' for cranial cruciate ligament disease (CrCLD)? Have you wondered how it earned that title? 'Gold standard' treatments face criticism in human medicine, and veterinarians should do the same.
'Purrfecting' feline orthopedicsJuly 6, 2024Recognizing lameness in cats is a growing area of research. The first step in trying to understand this is learning how to do an appropriate feline orthopedic exam.
What to know about animal chiropracticMay 11, 2024When animal chiropractors come to your state and gain direct access to animals, even without a veterinary diagnosis beforehand, will you take action or just watch it unfold?