Humane society reps in Tulsa accused of unlawful euthanasia of shelter dogsNovember 7, 2023Witnesses report animal cruelty, tell investigators about seeing ‘alive dogs’ being put in plastic bags
SPONSORED CONTENTProtect your patients from the start.Simparica Trio (sarolaner, moxidectin, and pyrantel chewable tablets) is the first monthly preventative of its kind. Combining three ingredients for month-long protection. + Learn more
A vet tech's advice on compassionate careOctober 16, 2023Celebrating Veterinary Technician Week is a great opportunity to recognize the invaluable contributions of vet techs and explore ways to empower them as leaders in your practice.
Euthanasia Without Pain: It Can Be DoneOctober 11, 2023In this session: Kathleen Cooney, DVM, CHPV, CCFP, and the Companion Animal Euthanasia Training Academy (CAETA) lays the foundation for a pain-free passing each and every time. Special focus given to dogs and cats, though subthemes will emerge for all species. Let’s say “goodbye” to pain during death.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveTech Talk: A look at euthanasiaOctober 5, 2023By Jamie Rauscher, LVTTo have to make that decision for someone else brings with it the fear of making the wrong decision and stopping too early, but also the fear of going too far and causing unnecessary suffering. While we can give our opinion or input to a client, the decision is their own to make. All any of us can do is to use the tools available to us to try to understand what our companion is experiencing and trust our hearts to know the right time.
'Tailored approach' central to new feline hospice and palliative care guidelinesOctober 3, 2023The 2023 AAFP/IAAHPC Feline Hospice and Palliative Care Guidelines emphasize empathy, addressing patient needs, and communication in caring for cats with long-term or life-limiting diseases.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveEnd of Life e-book -- VPN Plus+ exclusiveJuly 27, 2023VPN Plus+ is pleased to present our members with the following complimentary End of Life e-book dedicated to offering a focused look at this very challenging time for both staff and clients. It also includes a webinar broadcast and an infographic for clients.
How to prepare for euthanasiaMay 24, 2023End-of-life care can easily be the worst part of veterinary medicine. It does not matter where you fall in the hierarchy of a practice, dealing with it can be very uncomfortable.
VPN Plus+ ExclusivePet Poison Hazards InfographicFebruary 23, 2023Is this plant safe? Is this food toxic? If you had a nickel for every time a client asked this, right? Here is an infographic to help! It also provides signs clients should look for to indicate possible poisoning, as well as a reminder to enter the contact info for an emergency clinic in their phone now, before they need it.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveConsider end-of-life care as a careerJanuary 26, 2023A survey launched in the summer of 2022 explored the personalities and career paths of veterinarians who have devoted the next chapter of their careers to EOL. In collaboration with the IAAHPC, the survey sought to identify what facets of death care appeals to veterinarians in particular. The questions and choices reflected what the survey authors (the authors of this article) already knew to be general motivators and situations found in the end-of-life industry. While themes regularly emerged, a study had yet to reveal the data necessary to understand EOL professional drivers.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveMemorializing a Pet InfographicDecember 19, 2022As veterinary professionals and pet owners, we are all too familiar with the void left behind when a beloved pet passes away. This infographic gives pet parents some ideas of different ways to memorialize a pet that has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. Some of these could also be used as ideas for your practice to gift to long-term clients you have a special bond with