Active orthodontics: Moving problematic teethOctober 23, 2024A look at how active orthodontic devices are used to correct mesioversion of maxillary canine teeth.
SPONSORED CONTENTBringing Light Home: How Super Pulsed Laser Therapy Enhances Pet HealingOver the past two decades, laser therapy has seen tremendous growth in veterinary practices. What was once considered an alternative therapy is now an integral part of mainstream veterinary care, particularly in rehabilitation, dental, and preventative medicine. +
Do you have the right dental equipment?September 26, 2024Without the right instruments that are properly cared for, periodontal therapy, extractions, and oral surgery will be challenging at best and frustrating for many.
Orthodontics in dogs and cats? You bet!September 7, 2024Moving mandibular canine teeth to a more acceptable position usually involves creation of a passive orthodontic device, such as an inclined plane or composite extensions. These options work well for mild and severe cases of mandibular distoclusion.
Taking a team approach to oral healthAugust 30, 2024The team-based approach optimizes efficiency and subsequently can increase access to veterinary services and improve patient care. Further, it also contributes to financial sustainability for the practice.
Addressing risks and finding solutions to malocclusions in dogs and catsAugust 19, 2024Just like humans, pets can develop malocclusions that require treatment if the malocclusion is causing discomfort. Early evaluation of the teeth and jaws allows for early detection of malocclusions and developmental abnormalities.
Advise clients 'durable' treats are not worth the risk of tooth fractures, tissue injuriesJuly 19, 2024A long-lasting treat that allows for less trips to the pet store or fewer online orders may be causing harm to the teeth and jaws.
Breaking the habit of chewing sticksJune 12, 2024Dogs and sticks are a natural combination: they go together like milk and cookies. However, sticks can be sharp, and even those that do not start off as sharp can become sharp when gnawed, and can pose heath risks to pets.
Tips to build your dental suite operatoryJune 10, 2024Similar to other large purchases, you need to start out with an idea of what features are necessary, which extras to consider, and the budget to work with when building your dental suite.
A step-by-step guide to surgical extraction of the maxillary fourth premolarMay 19, 2024Follow these step-by-step instructions to help minimize complications in extraction of firmly rooted maxillary fourth premolars.
Treating alveolar bone expansionApril 23, 2024Alveolar bone expansion sometimes occurs in areas of periodontal pocketing and vertical bone loss. Alternatively, it may be a reaction to the inflammation associated with periodontitis.