Assemblyman Bill Quirk has introduced a bill that would ban the declawing of cats in California. “Declawed cats can suffer long-term physical complications as a result of declawing—it’s not just a fancy manicure,” Quirk said upon introducing AB 1230. “It’s painful, unnecessary, and needs to stop… When this bill becomes law, only licensed veterinarians performing the procedure for specific therapeutic purposes will legally be able to declaw a cat, saving them from a lifetime of pain and possible lameness.” The practice is already illegal in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and six other California cities. Further, in several other parts of the world, declawing has been banned. “Declawing is one of the most painful and unnecessary surgeries in all of veterinary medicine,” said Jennifer Conrad, DVM, CVA, founder of the veterinarian-run nonprofit Paw Project. “We’ve seen what these cats go through. We are veterinarians who are standing up against the status quo because it is the right thing to do. We want veterinary medicine to be about helping animals, not helping couches.” Studies have found declawed cats are more liable to bite or have other behavioral issues and often end up in animal shelters as a result.