A video-based professional community created to connect the veterinary industry has honored a member of the animal health field. Bob Vetere, JD, MBA, BSc, president and chief executive officer of the American Pet Products Association (APPA), has been named the Bridge Club’s second Industry ICON. Vetere, who also serves as president of the Human-Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) and as chair of the Pet Leadership Council (PLC), will be presented with a lifetime Bridge Club all-access membership and will be the guest host at the club’s ICON Series live event in Orlando, Fla. Industry ICON live events present an opportunity for club members and veterinary professionals to learn directly from the people who have impacted the trajectory of the industry. Members also have the chance to get to know the next generation of leadership in the field. “Bob represents leadership at its best,” said Brenda Andresen, founding partner of the Bridge Club. “He is brilliant, yet collaborative and encouraging, progressive, yet aware that progress can take time, and successful, yet remarkably humble and kind. He’s the kind of mentor we all wish we had.” All Bridge Club virtual sessions are free to attend.