AVMA’s Dr. Golab Becomes First U.S. Vet Credentialed In Animal Welfare

The AVMA’s head of the Animal Welfare Division, Gail Golab, became the first veterinarian to be credentialed in animal welfare.

Gail Golab, DVM, Ph.D., head of the American Veterinary Medical Assn. Animal Welfare Division, recently became the first veterinarian in the United States to be credentialed in animal welfare.

Dr. Golab earned the certification through the Australian College of Veterinary Scientists’ Animal Welfare Chapter, which involved more than two years of study and successful completion of written and oral exams.

Australia is the only country that offers an animal welfare certification for veterinarians.

“My work at the AVMA was a real asset to my studies, because as head of the Animal Welfare Division, I’m constantly exposed to and researching animal care practices affecting a variety of species across a range of uses,” Golab said. “I look forward to using the additional knowledge I have gained through this formal credentialing process to assist the AVMA in continuing to formulate rational and effective approaches to these complex issues.”

Golab added that her studies have not only broadened her understanding of the scientific and ethical theory associated with animal welfare decisions, but have also created strong links with colleagues in the international veterinary and animal welfare communities.


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