Veterinarians to lobby Capitol Hill, seeking support for rural vet shortage and dog import laws

The American Veterinary Medical Association’s (AVMA) annual legislative fly-in, with advocates representing 42 states and 15 veterinary schools, will be on Feb. 6th

On Feb. 6, over 140 veterinary professionals will meet with senators, representatives, and their staffs to discuss the importance of legislation around rural veterinary shortage and dog importation.

Increasing the availability of veterinary services in rural areas and protecting people and animals against the spread of diseases are central to an upcoming Capitol Hill visit.

On Feb. 6, more than 140 veterinary professionals will meet with senators, representatives, and their staff to discuss the importance of legislation around these concerns. As part of the American Veterinary Medical Association's (AVMA) annual legislative visit, advocates representing 42 states and 15 veterinary schools will urge congressional offices to support and cosponsor the Rural Veterinary Workforce Act and include the Healthy Dog Importation Act in the new Farm Bill being considered.

"We need to do more to attract and retain veterinarians in rural and underserved areas, and the Rural Veterinary Workforce Act will go a long way to address those needs," says Rena Carlson, DVM, AVMA president. "Strengthening dog importation standards by including the Healthy Dog Importation Act in the next Farm Bill is another big focus, and both of these bills are essential to protecting the nation's animal health infrastructure. The AVMA's annual legislative fly-in represents a unique opportunity for veterinary advocates and constituents to engage with their representatives in Congress on matters that are important to the veterinary profession."

The AVMA-endorsed Rural Veterinary Workforce Act would end federal taxation on the Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program (VMLRP), thus enabling more veterinarians to participate in a program that offers up to $25,000 a year for student loan repayment in exchange for service in U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)-designated Veterinarian Shortage Situations. This would make the tax treatment of the awards the same as the equivalent program for physicians. Ending the federal tax would also allow the USDA to provide an additional award for every three awards currently made under the VMLRP without any supplemental appropriations.

Dr. Carlson adds passing the bipartisan Rural Veterinary Workforce Act would aid in filling the veterinary gaps in USDA-designated shortage areas. By removing financial barriers related to practicing in underserved communities, the legislation could help attract and retain veterinarians. Further, it could also lift the burden of educational debt from veterinary graduates.

Under the Healthy Dog Importation Act, the USDA and other federal agencies would receive the necessary resources to monitor and safeguard the health of dogs being brought into the U.S. while ensuring they do not endanger animal and human health.

"Including the Healthy Dog Importation Act in the new Farm Bill would decrease the chances of future disease outbreaks from the more than 1.2 million dogs imported into the U.S. each year," Dr. Carlsons says.

"I am thrilled that veterinarians are coming to Capitol Hill next week to make their voices heard," says Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss), co-chair of the Senate Veterinary Medicine Caucus along with Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.). "Veterinarians do so much to protect public health, the food supply, and the human-animal bond. It is invaluable for lawmakers to hear from these constituents and to understand how broadly this occupation benefits our society. I look forward to continuing to champion common-sense solutions to the issues facing the veterinary profession."

"I started the Senate Veterinary Medicine Caucus with Senator Hyde-Smith to support our country's veterinarians and the important work they do to protect

On February 6, over 140 veterinary professionals will meet with senators, representatives, and their staffs to discuss the importance of legislation around rural veterinary shortage and dog importation.

animal health," adds Senator Klobuchar. "As we work to finalize the upcoming Farm Bill, I will continue working across the aisle to ensure veterinarians have the federal support they need to keep our pets healthy, protect our food supply, and expand access to veterinary services in rural communities."

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