AVMA revamps AVMF board of directors

A new team has been formed and others restructured to help grow the association’s foundation

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) is rearranging its structure to place a greater focus on managing its foundation's contribution to the profession.

The AVMA has formed a new board of directors for the American Veterinary Medical Foundation (AVMF) to help advance its mission, services, and programs.

The members of the AVMA board of directors will now serve as the official AVMF board of directors, and the previous AVMF board of directors will function in a supportive role as the AVMF board of advisors.

"This is a natural progression of the strategic alignment the AVMA and the AVMF embarked on several years ago," said Mike Topper, DVM, PhD, DACVP, the association's immediate past president and new chair of the AVMF board of directors.

The newly constituted board will continue to include a representative of the auxiliary to the AVMA as well as a member from the AVMA House of Delegates to keep a range of perspectives and voices involved.

The AVMA board of directors will consider a recommendation to finalize the composition and mission of the board of advisors at its upcoming meeting this month.

"We are incredibly excited about the future," said Karen L. Davis, DVM, new chair of the AVMF board of advisors.

"This shift provides the opportunity to build on past success in an even more collaborative way, keeping the AVMF and the AVMA on a rewarding path of service to both animals and people."


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