After serving as the charitable arm of the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) for 25 years, the AAEP Foundation has been renamed The Foundation for the Horse. “Our new name more clearly defines who we are and who we serve,” says Richard Mitchell, DVM, chair of the foundation’s advisory council. “As we embark on our next quarter-century under a new name, our mission remains steadfast and as relevant today as at inception. It is a mission that resonates with all who love and care about these noble animals.” Since its establishment in 1994, the foundation has distributed more than $6 million in support of its mission to improve the welfare of horses. The group’s priorities are to support education through veterinary student scholarships and educational programs; equine research in pursuit of new treatments and cures to improve patient management and prognosis; and benevolence programs, such as working equid welfare, disaster preparedness training and relief efforts for horses in need, and initiatives aimed at improving the lives of horses.