Banfield Book Teaches Responsible Pet Ownership

The newly published “My Very, Very Busy Day!” is available at Banfield veterinary hospitals nationwide.

Start ’em young.

Banfield Pet Hospital today released a children’s book designed to entertain young pet owners and explain the importance of regular preventive veterinary care.

“My Very, Very Busy Day!” was written and illustrated by Portland, Ore., artist Ray Nelson with the assistance of Banfield veterinarians Ari Zabell, DVM, and Jessica Trice, DVM.

“No matter how young a child is, they play a significant role in the family and in the life of a family pet,” Dr. Zabell said. “It’s important they build good habits at an early age when it comes to providing the best care possible for a pet.”

The book will be sold at 880 Banfield hospitals nationwide for a suggested donation of $10 to the Banfield Charitable Trust. The proceeds will be spent on preventive care for needy pets.

A reading and book signing hosted by 11-year-old actress Quvenzhané Wallis was held today at the Children’s Museum of Manhattan in New York. Quvenzhané wrote the book’s forward.

“I’ve always loved animals and dream of becoming a veterinarian when I grow up,” she said.

“My Very, Very Busy Day!” tells the tale of Captain Noodles the dog and Kitty the cat, whose typical pet lives include visiting a veterinarian for their six-month checkup.

The book provides space for young readers to sign their name to Banfield’s “Best Friend Promise,” which lists what they may do to properly care for their pet.

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