24 Great Danes among animals rescued from a breeding mill in Tennessee

The rescued animals were transported to the Animal Rescue Corps’ (ARC) Rescue Center in Gallatin, Tenn.

Twenty-six large dogs, one small dog, five cats, and two chinchillas will soon be up for adoption after being rescued from a breeding mill in Tennessee.

The Macon County Sheriff's Office and Animal Rescue Corps (ARC) seized the animals from a property in Macon County. The dog owners were arrested and charged with animal cruelty after the discovery of the deplorable living conditions of the animals.

The dogs were caged in makeshift kennels in a small shed. Many of them were suffering from various medical conditions. Photos courtesy Animal Rescue Corps.

The dogs, including 24 Great Danes and other large breeds, were found living in small, filthy wire cages inside a small shed, with some makeshift kennels flooded by what appeared to be septic waste. Many of the dogs were suffering from various medical conditions, including high ammonia exposure, puncture wounds, mammary tumors, overgrown nails, pressure wounds, skin inflammation, ear and eye infections and injuries, and internal parasites (including worms). All of the animals were legally surrendered to ARC by the property owners.

"This is a clear case of animal neglect and abuse, with some of the highest ammonia levels we've ever measured," says Tim Woodward, ARC's executive director. "These breeding mills put profit above the welfare of the animals and it's the animals who suffer."

ARC transported the animals to their Rescue Center in Gallatin, Tenn., about 30 minutes east of Nashville. Each animal is receiving a thorough veterinary exam, appropriate vaccinations, and any necessary medical treatments until they are matched and transported to a trusted shelter and rescue partner organizations that will adopt them into loving homes.

To volunteer and help care for the animals at the ARC Rescue Center, click here.

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