Continuing Education

Brain Teaser: Can you solve this puzzle?

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VPN Plus+ Exclusive

Approach to Acute Respiratory Distress in Cats

VetCE Virtual available for viewing; get CE credit
In this session: Being presented with a cat in acute respiratory distress can be distressing for us. Claire Sharp, BSc, BVMS, MS, DACVECC, reviews a simple and systematic approach to diagnosing and treating cats in respiratory distress. The focus is on localizing the problem within the respiratory tract, which allows targeted diagnostics and early treatment.
VPN Plus+ Exclusive

Hypersomatotropism: A Common Cause of Diabetes Mellitus in Cats

VetCE Virtual available for viewing; get CE credit
In this session: Jocelyn Mott, DVM, DACVIM (SAIM), FACVIM (feline and canine diabetes), discusses diagnosis, management, treatment goals and monitoring cats with hypersomatotropism and diabetes mellitus (HS-DM).

Brain Teaser: Can you solve this puzzle?

Test your veterinary knowledge with our monthly challenge.
VPN Plus+ Exclusive

JPS? TPO? THR? FHO? WTFudge??? Navigating Hip Dysplasia Options

VetCE Virtual available for viewing; get CE credit
In this session: Clara Goh, BVSc, MS, DACVS-SA, ACVS Founding Fellow—Surgical Oncology covers the main indications, patient selection/exclusion criteria, and ideal timing of  these hip dysplasia procedures: juvenile pubic symphysiodesis (JPS), triple or double pelvic osteotomy (TPO), femoral head and neck ostectomy, and total hip replacement.