#GivingTuesday is on November 29th of this year, and people around the world are going to celebrate by giving to charities. As the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) reminds us, there are veterinary charities that we could donate to. One is the American Veterinary Medical Foundation's (AVMF) Veterinary Care Charitable Fund. According to the AVMF: "The Veterinary Care Charitable Fund is a program created by the American Veterinary Medical Foundation (AVMF) to provide veterinarians with a simple and effective way to offer charitable veterinary services to clients facing personal hardships as well as animals rescued from abuse and neglect. Enrolled veterinary hospitals now have a way to offer low or no-cost services to clients who may otherwise be forced to surrender or euthanize their beloved pets." For veterinarians who aren't part of the program, the AVMF encourages you to enroll your practice (free for AVMA members, by the way), and they will add you to their website as a participating clinic. To be reimbursed for any work you do, the AVMF has a simple online form you can use. They'll also provide you a digital donation button for your website and Facebook page, as well as marketing materials to tell your clients about the new services you offer. So give back this Tuesday, either by donating or becoming part of the fund. For more information, visit the Veterinary Care Charitable Fund website.