Merck Animal Health launched a pair of veterinary-exclusive, topical, ectoparasite treatment and prevention products for pets called Activyl and Activyl Tick Plus, the company reported today. Activyl treats and prevents flea infestations in dogs and cats, while Activyl Tick Plus controls both fleas and ticks, but is available exclusively for dogs, Merck reported. Both products contain the active ingredient indoxacarb, which kills fleas through a process called bioactivation. Indoxacarb is absorbed by a flea via contact or ingestion and is converted by certain flea enzymes into an insecticidal metabolite, which paralyzes and kills the flea. Indoxacarb also disrupts a flea’s life cycle by inhibiting the development of flea larvae in the pet’s surroundings, Merck reported. Activyl’s only active ingredient is indoxacarb, making it safe for both cats and dogs, according to the company. Activyl Plus is available exclusively for dogs because it contains both indoxacarb and permethrin, which kills and controls ticks, but is not safe for cats and should not be used on dogs younger than eight weeks or less than four pounds. Both products require monthly applications and are dispensed in single-application pipettes. <HOME>