Bolstered mental health group shifts focus to COVID-19 stresses

Hill’s has teamed up with WSAVA’s Professional Wellness Group to help enhance veterinary wellness globally

An initiative aimed at supporting the mental health and well-being of veterinarians worldwide has received a shot in the arm in the form of a new partnership.

Hill's Pet Nutrition has joined the efforts of World Small Animal Veterinary Association's (WSAVA's) Professional Wellness Group (PWG) to raise awareness of the elevated risk of mental health issues affecting animal health professionals and create resources to support veterinary teams.

"Positive mental well-being is critical for the future of our profession," says Iveta Becvarova, DVM, MS, Dipl. ACVN, ‎director of global academic and professional affairs at Hill's. "We are eager to support WSAVA's PWG in its mission and help it develop tools that can combat anxiety and depressive symptoms or suicidal thoughts."

Shane Ryan, BVSc, MVS, CertVetAcupuncture, GradDipAnimChiro, MChiroSc, MRCVS, president of WSAVA, says PWG is pleased to have additional support at a time when many are experiencing heightened levels of stress and anxiety.

"The interim findings of PWG's global survey into veterinary wellness, launched during WSAVA World Congress 2019 in Toronto, confirmed stress and diminished well-being are concerns for all members of the veterinary team and in all areas of the world," he says.

"This already serious problem is likely to be exacerbated by the additional pressures many of our members are facing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is an issue the PWG is already addressing with Hill's support as a key focus for its work this year."

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