AVMA Convention cancelled due to COVID-19

Registrants can expect a full refund within in 90 days, the association says

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has cancelled its annual convention, citing ongoing concerns surrounding COVID-19.

Registrants for the event, which was slated to take place July 31 to Aug. 4 in San Diego, Calif., will receive a full refund within 90 days, the association says, adding it will be processing individual refunds as quickly as possible.

"AVMA's top priority is the health, safety, and well-being of the veterinary community and convention attendees, vendors, speakers, and exhibitors," the group said in a statement. "With so much uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, and as a science-based, One Health organization, AVMA determined there was no way to ensure the health and safety of convention attendees by the end of July."

In the meantime, the association says it is exploring the potential for virtual conference options as an alternative.

"We continue to be inspired by the strength, flexibility, and support the veterinary community has exhibited during this crisis, and we thank the veterinary profession for operating as essential businesses during this unprecedented time," says AVMA president, John Howe, DVM.

Next year's convention is scheduled to take place July 30 to Aug. 3 in Minneapolis, Minn.

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