800,000 masks donated by pharma company

Merck & Co. has sent protective masks to New York and New Jersey, the states with the highest number of confirmed cases of COVID-19

In response to increased demand for personal protective equipment (PPE) for health-care workers fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, Merck & Co., has donated 800,000 masks to the two states the virus has hit the hardest.

The pharmaceutical company sent 500,000 masks to New York City Emergency Management, as well as 300,000 masks to New Jersey's Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness.

To date, New York and New Jersey have confirmed more than 26,000 and 3,600 cases of COVID-19, respectively.

"We extend our deepest appreciation to the many health-care providers and volunteers… around the world who are doing so much to help affected patients and communities, and to our own employees who are focused on delivering our critically important medicines and vaccines to the patients who need them," says Merck's CEO, Kenneth C. Frazier.

"COVID-19 is a generational challenge to the global community. We are enormously grateful for the front-line health-care personnel who are helping the thousands of patients now affected by COVID-19."

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