NAVC advocacy program helps build better future for animals

“embrace” pushes veterinarians and owners to take action and ensure Congress considers the best interests of animals

Animal rights advocates are seeking to be heard, and a new initiative from the North American Veterinary Community (NAVC) hopes to give them a platform.

Last month at VMX, the organization launched "embrace," an animal advocacy program that keeps animal advocates informed on proposed legislation, rules, and regulations that may impact pet health.

The program, which is aimed at veterinarians and animal owners alike, prompts members to participate in calls-to-action, including signing petitions and contacting policymakers on specific legislations.

The program, NAVC says, launches with the support of several motions already introduced to the U.S. House of Representatives, including:

"What makes 'embrace' and the NAVC so unique is we bring together all members of the pet-loving community—veterinary professionals and pet owners—to advocate on behalf of animals everywhere," says NAVC interim CEO, Eugene O'Neill. "Through NAVC's global community of 500,000 veterinarians and other animal health-care leaders, 'embrace' provides a powerful platform for us to work together to build a better future for animals."

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