Global program puts pain management first

WSAVA’s Global Pain Council seeks veterinary leaders to educate colleagues on pain management

Pain management is taking center stage in the World Small Animal Veterinary Association's (WSAVA's) latest initiative.

The group's Global Pain Council (GPC) has launched "Teach the Teachers," a global program that will create a network of leaders who will educate other veterinary professionals in their region on best practices for pain management.

"All companion animals are sentient and feel pain, and this is what makes pain management such an important issue for veterinary professionals," says GPC chair, Duncan Lascelles, BSc, BVSc, PhD, MRCVS, CertVA, DSAS(ST), DECVS, DACVS. "We are working to reduce the variation in the assessment and management of pain around the world through the creation of regionally specific resources and targeted education."

As the first step of the program, GPC has launched a scholarship competition, whereby one veterinarian and one veterinary technician/nurse will demonstrate their potential to become the inaugural members of the Teach the Teachers network.

In the scholarship's first phase, selected candidates will travel to a host location and attend eight to 12 weeks of training in small animal pain management. Conducted by members of GPC, the sessions will focus on:

  • the pathophysiology of pain;
  • the assessment and treatment of acute and chronic pain in dogs and cats; and
  • an understanding of how to approach clinical pain research.

In phase two, candidates will return to their community and host pain management courses for local veterinarians and veterinary technicians/nurses, as well as their WSAVA member association's members.

"Our Teach the Teachers program is an exciting new initiative that we hope will lay the foundations of a global network of veterinarians and veterinary technicians/nurses with specific expertise in pain management and the passion and knowledge to educate their colleagues," Dr. Lascelles says.

Veterinarians must apply by Dec. 31. Technicians and nurses can submit applications until June 30. Priority will be given to candidates from WSAVA Tier 1 and Tier 2 countries and to members of WSAVA member associations.

For more information, click here.

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