Raw pet food lots test positive for Salmonella, Listeria

FDA is asking veterinarians to advise owners to safely dispose of certain Aunt Jeni’s Home Made items after they tested positive for the bacteria

Two Aunt Jeni's Home Made raw frozen pet food products have been recalled after samples positive for Salmonella and/or Listeria monocytogenes (L. mono).

The samples were obtained by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) during a routine inspection of the company's manufacturing facility.

The raw, frozen products—Aunt Jeni's Home Made: Turkey Dinner Dog Food and Aunt Jeni's Home Made: Chicken Dinner Dog Food—tested positive for Salmonella and/or L. mono.

As handling the contaminated food items increases the spread of the bacteria, FDA is advising veterinarians to alert pet owners of the recall and suggest they safely discard any affected products, as well as thoroughly clean and disinfect areas where they were stored.

Salmonella and L. mono can cause illness and death in humans and animals, especially those who are very young, very old, or have weak immune systems.

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