Blue Buffalo and Petco Foundation have joined forces to award a $250,000-grant to Morris Animal Foundation to fund its feline cancer studies. “Blue Buffalo is thrilled to partner once again with Petco Foundation to support Morris Animal Foundation in its fight against cancer, a terrible disease causing 50 percent of health-related pet deaths,” says company vice-president, David Petrie. “Research is expensive, and we are proud to help fund studies that will lead to better health outcomes for dogs and cats.” Cancer is the second leading cause of death in cats. In the U.S., more than 12 million pets are diagnosed with the disease every year. Since 1962, Morris Animal Foundation has funded more than 300 cancer studies and invested approximately $40 million. “We are deeply grateful for this meaningful gift, which will help us continue to advance cancer care,” says Morris Animal Foundation president and chief executive officer, Tiffany Grunert. “It is through support like this that we’re able to fund the best, most impactful studies, forging a path to a world where all cancers are treatable and more cures possible.” Funding for Morris Animal Foundation has led to multiple breakthroughs and advancements in cancer care animals everywhere. This latest grant will help support both current and future feline cancer research, including: Using new imaging technology to evaluate surgical margins following cancer surgery. The study will support targeted treatment management decisions and increase outcomes for cats. Two studies investigating new approaches for the treatment of oral squamous cell carcinoma. In one study, researchers are looking at a treatment that is a combination of ionizing radiation with an anticancer compound revealed to have antitumor effects in vitro. In the second, researchers are examining whether small molecular inhibitors may block some of the mechanisms driving oral tumor growth and drug resistance. The results could provide a new approach improving the long-term prognosis and quality of life for cats with this type of cancer. Filling gaps in the feline genome assembly. A comprehensive, highly accurate feline genome sequence will improve the research community’s ability to identify more mutations for simple and complex diseases (including cancer) in breed and non-breed domestic cats.