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Advances in Cell Based Therapies for Arthritis and More is an e-book exploring regenerative medicine within the veterinary field, specifically focused on platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and stem cell therapy. It also outlines fundamental mechanisms of action along with preparation, dosing, and application considerations for each treatment. Additionally, the e-book covers:
This is also available as a free course hosted on VetMedTeam. It is approved for 2 RACE non-interactive credits for veterinarians and veterinary technicians and is open to all VetMedTeam members. If you are not already a VetMedTeam member, joining is easy and totally free of charge. If you have any questions just reach out to
Regenerative Medicine ↓
Nutrition Essentials ↓
Flea & Tick ↓
COVID-19 ↓
Dermatology ↓
Urology ↓
Gastroenterology ↓
Dental ↓