The one vet student story you need to read today

“I’m not OK”

Here at Veterinary Practice News, we know animals eat weird stuff sometimes. You just have to look at our annual "They Ate What?!" contest to get an idea of the whole range of weird stuff animals can eat.

However, this story about a hamster may be the best thing we've ever read. From Twitter:

The text reads:

(Editor's note: We added punctuation and such for clarity.)

"So you know my sister is a veterinary student? She said a little girl brought her hamster in because it hadn't moved for three days. It was just sitting at the side of the cage and wouldn't eat or drink.

So [my sister] asked her if anything had happened that maybe have caused it. The girl says 'yeah, he escaped for a bit, but we found him under the fridge.'

So they have a look at this hamster. [They] put him on the table, and he's walking around, eating, drinking, etc. All fine. Which is really weird.

Then they notice there's something in his cheek pouch. They look inside, and find a fridge magnet.

Turns out the only thing wrong with this hamster is that it had a fridge magnet in his cheek pouch, and was stuck to his metal cage."

Unfortunately, we can't verify this story, but given what we've seen, we believe it. What crazy thing has happened in your clinic? Let us know in the comments.

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